Call Number (LC) Title Results
573 St51 Ed.2 An introduction to physical anthropology. 1
573.05 M312 Dissertation abstracts international.
Literary criticism register : LCR.
Werner's readings and recitations.
Public health nursing /
The Mining magazine.
Hilda Lessways /
Archiv für Literatur- und Kirchengeschichte des Mittelalters.
Beiträge zur Kunde der indogermanischen Sprachen.
Jahresverzeichnis der Verlagsschriften und einer Auswahl der ausserhalb des Buchhandels erschienenen Veröffentlichungen der DDR, der BRD und Westberlins sowie der deutschsprachigen Werke anderer Länder.
Mathematical questions and solutions.
Jahresbericht über die Fortschritte der klassischen Altertumwissenschaft.
In search of Chaucer.
Nouvelles annales de mathématiques.
Jahresverzeichnis der Hochschulschriften.
History of English literature /
Annalen der Physik.
Jahresbericht der Deutschen Mathematiker-Vereinigung.
The Tudor interludes : Nice wanton and Impatient poverty /
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society.
American trade schools directory.
Lecture series.
Geoffrey Chaucer : lectures delivered in 1932 on the William J. Cooper Foundation in Swarthmore College.
The American architect and building news.
Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society.
The mill on the Floss.
Art and industry.
573.06 Am3 no. 29-34 Archaeological explorations on the middle Chinlee, 1925. 1
573.06 Am3 no. 35-37 New stone age pottery from the prehistoric site at Hsi-yin Tsun, Shansi, China /
The social organization of the Tewa of New Mexico /
573.06 Am3 no. 43 The pueblo of Santo Domingo, New Mexico / 1
573.06 Am3 no. 47 Tribal distribution in Oregon / 1
573.06 Am3 no. 48-52 Dirty boy : a Jicarilla tale of raid and war / 1
573.06 Am3 no. 53 An introduction to Navaho chant practice : with an account of the behaviors observed in four chants / 1
573.06 Am3 no. 53-58 The Mackenzie collection : a study of West African carved gambling chips /
Economics of a Guatemalan village /
The political organization and law-ways of the Comanche Indians /
573.06 Am3 no. 59 Acculturation among the Japanese of Kona, Hawaii / 1
573.06 Am3 no. 60 The pueblo of Santa Ana, New Mexico. 1
573.06 Am3 no. 62 An appraisal of constitutional typologies / 1
573.06 Am3 no. 63-68 The Aymara Indians of the Lake Titicaca Plateau, Bolivia /
The sociological role of the Yoruba cult-group /
Slavery during the third dynasty of Ur.
The religion of the Ifugaos.
573.06 Am3 no. 69-70 The Pueblo Indians of New Mexico : their land, economy and civil organization /
A study of archeology.
573.06 Am3 no. 72 Acculturation and personality among the Wisconsin Chipewa. 1
573.06 Am3 no. 72-74 Cayuá culture change : a study in acculturation and methodology.
Acculturation and personality among the Wisconsin Chipewa.
573.06 Am3 no. 75 Studies in Chinese thought / 1
573.06 Am3 no. 76-79 Language in culture : proceedings of a conference on the interrelations of language and other aspects of culture / 1
573.06 Am3 no. 79 Language in culture : proceedings of a conference on the interrelations of language and other aspects of culture / 1
573.06 Am3 no. 80-83 In search of wealth : a study of the emergence of commercial operations in the Melanesian society of southeastern Papua / 1