Call Number (LC) Title Results
58-3:S.DOC.149 Alaskan fur-seal herd. Mr. Nelson presented the following letter of Henry W. Elliot, of Lakewood, Ohio, relative to the rules and regulations governing the agents of the government in charge of the Seal Islands of Alaska and the condition of the fur-seal herd thereon. February 9, 1905. -- Referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations and ordered to be printed 1
58-3:S.DOC.150 Pacific settlement of international disputes. Convention between the United States and certain powers for the pacific settlement of international disputes. February 8, 1905. -- Ordered to be printed 1
58-3:S.DOC.151 Cash sales of public lands in California. Letter from the Secretary of the Interior stating, in response to a resolution of the Senate of February 2, 1905, proceeds of cash sales of public lands in California since its admission into the Union. February 11, 1905. -- Referred to the Committee on Public Lands and ordered to be printed 1
58-3:S.DOC.152 William H. Poland, administrator. Letter from the Assistant Clerk of the Court of Claims transmitting a copy of the findings of the court in the case of William H. Poland, administrator of John Poland, deceased, against the United States. February 11, 1905. -- Referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed 1
58-3:S.DOC.153 Searching for remains of Admiral John Paul Jones, etc. Message from the President of the United States, recommending an appropriation by Congress to be expended in searching for the remains of Admiral John Paul Jones in Paris, France ... February 13, 1905. -- Read ; referred to the Committee on Naval Affairs and ordered to be printed 1
58-3:S.DOC.154 Public Lands Commission. Message from the President of the United States, submitting the second partial report of the Public Lands Commission, appointed October 22, 1903, to report upon the condition, operation, and effect of the present land laws. February 13, 1905. -- Read; referred to the Committee on Public Lands and ordered to be printed 1
58-3:S.DOC.155 International arbitration. February 8, 1905. -- Mr. Morgan, from the Committee on Foreign Relations, submitted the following views of the minority (on the arbitration treaties with Great Britain and other European powers ; which was ordered to be printed in confidence for the use of the Senate). February 13, 1905. -- Injunction of secrecy removed, and ordered to be printed as a document 1
58-3:S.DOC.156 Sale and delivery of leaf tobacco by farmers or growers. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting, in response to a Senate resolution of February 9, 1904, rulings and correspondence relative to the selling an delivery of leaf tobacco by farmers or growers. February 14, 1905. -- Referred to the Committee on Finance and ordered to be printed 1
58-3:S.DOC.157 Military reservations. Letter from the Judge Advocate General giving information and the legal status of tracts of land which have been procured or set apart by the United States for military purposes and which are known to the courts and in executive practice as "military reservations." February 14, 1905. -- Presented by Mr. Morgan and ordered to be printed as a document 1
58-A3 5: Provisional and permanent constitutions, together with the Acts and resolutions of the first session of the Provisional congress, of the Confederate States, 1861 1
59-2:H.DOC.608 Report of the Postal Commission authorized by Congress to make inquiry regarding second-class mail matter with hearings October 1--November 28, 1906 and index-digest of the testimony 1
060 Regent Committee assignments (codes 061-099) 1
60-1:H.DOC.702 Milk and its relation to the public health, (by various authors). [U.S. Hygienic Laboratory Bulletin No. 41. January 1908.] 1
060 C29 Scientific societies and associations / 1
060 H88 The learned societies and printing clubs of the United Kingdom : being an account of their respective origin, history, objects, and constitution; with full details respecting membership, fees, their published works and transactions, notices of their periods and places of meeting, &c. and a general introd. and a classified index / 1
060 M853c Conference planning and management : a check list for association executives / 1
060 P277a Association management, with special reference to trade associations / 1
060 St3 Learned societies and English literary scholarship in Great Britain and the United States / 1
060 Sch44i International organizations in which the United States participates / 1
060 Un35H UNESCO : its purpose and its philosophy. 1