Call Number (LC) Title Results
595.706 N23b Bulletin - Nawa Entomological Laboratory. 1
595.706 N42 Journal of the New York Entomological Society. 1
595.706 Or30 Monographs. : Studies in entomology. 1
595.706 R812p Proceedings of the Royal Entomological Society of London. 1
595.706 R812p ser B Proceedings of the Royal Entomological Society of London. 1
595.707 EL8 Histological and illustrative methods for entomologists / 1
595.732 K821t Termites and termite control / 1
595.734 N28 The biology of mayflies : with a systematic account of North American species / 1
595.745 N554u Über die Entwicklung und Biologie der Trichopteren mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Quelltrichopteren Himmerlands. 1
595.75 V28 Check list of the Hemiptera (excepting the Aphididœ, Aleurodidœ and Coccidœ) of America, north of Mexico / 1
595.768 B613 Rhynchophora or weevils of north eastern America / 1
595.77 F11M The life of the fly : with which are interspersed some chapters of autobiography / 1
595.77 H393L Die Larvenformen der Dipteren : eine Übersicht über die bisher bekannten Jugendstadien der zweiflügeligen Insekten. 1
595.77 W524s Studies on cytology and sex determination in polyploid forms of Melandrium album / 1
595.771 G552m Os Mosquitos no Pará : reunião de quatro trabalhos sobre os mosquitos indigenas, principalmente as especias que molestam o homen. 1
595.78 H867b The butterflies and moths of New Zealand / 1
595.78 N463i An illustrated natural history of British butterflies and moths / 1
595.78 T882b British butterflies : being a popular handbook for young studentsand collectors. 1
595.78 T882na A natural history of the British alucitudes : a text-book for students and collectors / 1
595.7806 W781b Bulletin : a magazine of lepidopterology. 1