Call Number (LC) Title Results
598.2 F751 Birds of the Chicago region / 1
598.2 G88 The game birds of California / 1
598.2 G887m Modern bird study / 1
598.2 G892v Der Vogel : Bau, Funktion, Lebenserscheinung, Einpassung / 1
598.2 H11 Der Gesang der Vögel : seine anatomischen und biologischen Grundlagen / 1
598.2 H195b The biology of birds. 1
598.2 H526g A guide to bird watching / 1
598.2 H67 Birds of the Pacific states : containing brief biographies and descriptions of about four hundred species, with especial reference to their appearance in the field, ... / 1
598.2 H734 Birds of the West : an account of the lives and the labors of our feathered friends. 1
598.2 H837 Florida bird life / 1
598.2 H869 Birds of La Plata / 1
598.2 Ih7 As aves do Brazil / 1
598.2 J57 Propagation of wild birds : a manual of applied ornithology, treating of practical methods of propagation of quails, grouse, wild turkey, pheasants, partridges, pigeons and doves, and waterfowl, in America, and of attracting and increasing wild birds in general, including song-birds / 1
598.2 J726 Cassell's book of birds / 1
598.2 K766a Birds of the world : a popular account / 1
598.2 L543 Game, shore, and water birds of India : with additional references to their allied species in other parts of the world / 1
598.2 L566m Manuel d'ornithologie : ou Description des genres et des principales espèces d'orseaux / 1
598.2 M154h Handbook of attracting birds / 1
598.2 M199b Birds in the garden and how to attract them / 1
598.2 M283 Handbook of the birds of Golden Gate Park, San Francisco / 1