Call Number (LC) Title Results
598.2 W984 Field book of birds of the southwestern United States / 1
598.2 Z59v The ventilation of the respiratory tract in birds / 1
598.20 B64g A geographical and comparative list of the birds of Europe and North America / 1
598.205 Am3 American ornithology for the home and school. 1
598.205 Au29 National Audubon Society field notes.
American birds.
598.205 N27n The Nebraska bird review. 1
598.205 Os6 The Osprey. : An illustrated magazine of popular ornithology. 1
598.206 C273 Cassinia : proceedings of the Delaware Valley Ornithological Club. 1
598.206 N814b Bulletin of the Northeastern Bird-Banding Association. 1
598.208 B397 Beiträge zur Vogelkunde. 1
598.209 St83e Die Entwicklung der Ornithologie / 1
598.294 H252V Die Vögel der paläarktischen Fauna. : Systematische Übersicht der in Europa, Nord-Asien und der Mittelmeerregion vorkommenden Vögel / 1
598.294 H252v suppl. Die Vögel der paläarktischen Fauna. 1
598.294 J768g Glossarium europae avium / 1
598.2942 B777c Check-list of the birds of Great Britain and Ireland / 1
598.2942 B777L A list of British birds / 1
598.2942 G359b British sea birds / 1
598.2942 J284b Birds of Great Britain and Ireland ... / 1
598.2943 P476t Taschenbuch der deutschen Vogelwelt / 1
598.2951 C127s South China birds / 1