Call Number (LC) Title Results
6-Ag8.5 2:190 1916 Insects attacking cabbage and allied crops in Connecticut / 1
6-Ag8.5 2:195 1917 Insects injuring stored food products in Connecticut / 1
6-Ag8.5 2:205 1918 Beekeeping for Connecticut / 1
6-Ag8.5 2:208 1918 Insects attacking the potato crop in Connecticut / 1
6-Ag8.5 2:216 1919 Insects attacking squash, cucumber, and allied plants in Connecticut / 1
6-Ag8.5 2:230 1921 The grass-feeding frog-hopper or spittle-bug / 1
6-Ag8.5 3: Circular / 1
6-A3G 9:R47 1950 The report [to the General Assembly and Governor of Connecticut] 1
6-A3l 1: Report of the legislative council. 1
6-A9 2: State of Connecticut Report of the Treasurer. 1
6-A9 2:1 Report of the comptroller to the governor. 1
6-A9 2:5 Annual Report of the Bank Commissioner of the State of Connecticut. 1
6-A9 2:8 Report of the Board of Education to the Governor. 1
6-A9 2:10 Report of the treasurer. 1
6-D49 5: Connecticut market data / 1
6-Ed8 1: Report of the Board of Education to the Governor. 1
6-Ed8 16: Connecticut education directory. 1
6-Ed8|a1: Report of the Board of Education to the Governor. 1
6-H34 5: State of Connecticut Registration Report. 1
6-J89J 1: Annual report. 1