61-N28 19: v.12 no.4 2004
New approaches to non-emergency medicaid transportation / |
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61-N28 19: v.12 no.5 2004
Tax and landowner revenue from wind projects / |
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61-N28 19: v.12 no.6 2004
Faith-based initiatives in social services / |
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61-N28 19: v.12 no.7 2004
Liability reform for brownfields / |
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61-N28 19: v,12 no.8 2004
Preventing cancer : using health dollars wisely / |
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61-N28 19: v.12 no.9 2004
Forest health and "healthy forests" / |
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61-N28 19: v.12 no.10 2004
Welfare to what? / |
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61-N28 19: v.12 no.12 2004
Older drivers / |
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61-N28 19: v.12 no.13 2004
Keeping child passengers safe / |
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61-N28 19: v.12 no.14 2004
States respond to term limits / |
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61-N28 19: v.12 no.15 2004
Get out and stay out : aiding offender re-entry / |
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61-N28 19: v.12 no.16 2004
SUTA dumping, State Unemployment Tax Avoidance / |
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61-N28 19: v.12 no.17 2004
Microenterprise development / |
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61-N28 19: v.12 no.18 2004
State suicide prevention plans / |
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61-N28 19: v.12 no.19 2004
Supermajority requirements for tax increase / |
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61-N28 19: v.12 no.20 2004
The real cost of unreliable child support data / |
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61-N28 19: v.12 no.21 2004
Connecting citizens with legislators / |
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61-N28 19: v.12 no.24 2004
Children's behavioral health screening / |
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61-N28 19: v.12 no.25 2004
Financial disclosure / |
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61-N28 19: v.12 no.26 2004
Energy security / |
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