Disposition of useless papers in the Navy Department. January 8, 1921. -- Ordered to be printed |
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Government for the people of the Philippine Islands. January 8, 1921. -- Referred to the House Calendar and ordered to be printed |
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Repeal section 8 of naval appropriation bill. January 8, 1921. -- Referred to the House Calendar and ordered to be printed |
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Expenses of inaugural ceremonies, March 4, 1921. January 10, 1921. -- Committed to the Committee of the Whole House on the State of the Union and ordered to be printed |
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Bridge across Lake St. Croix, Wis. and Minn. January 10, 1921. -- Referred to the House Calendar and ordered to be printed |
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Bridge across north branch of Susquehanna River, Pa. January 11, 1921. -- Referred to the House Calendar and ordered to be printed |
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Rate of interest on deposit money orders in the Canal Zone. January 11, 1921. -- Referred to the House Calendar and ordered to be printed |
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Indian appropriation bill, fiscal year 1922. January 12, 1921. -- Committed to the Committee of the Whole House on the State of the Union and ordered to be printed |
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Naturalization and citizenship. January 12, 1921. -- Committed to the Committee of the Whole House on the State of the Union and ordered to be printed |
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J.D. Calhoun. January 13, 1921. -- Committed to the Committee of the Whole House and ordered to be printed |
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Reorganizing the Indian service. January 14, 1921. -- Committed to the Committee of the Whole House on the State of the Union and ordered to be printed |
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Correcting the general account of the Treasurer of the United States. January 15, 1921. -- Committed to the Committee of the Whole House and ordered to be printed |
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Relief of Treasurer of United States for lost bonds. January 15, 1921. -- Committed to the Committee of the Whole House and ordered to be printed |
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Toll bridge across Tennessee River. January 17, 1921. -- Referred to the House Calendar and ordered to be printed |
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Disposition of useless papers, Civil Service Commission. January 17, 1921. -- Ordered to be printed |
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Disposition of useless papers, Department of the Interior. January 17, 1921. -- Ordered to be printed |
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Create a department of education. January 17, 1921. -- Committed to the Committee of the Whole House on the State of the Union and ordered to be printed |
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Perpetuation of the memory of the Chickasaw and Seminole tribes of Indians in Oklahoma. January 17, 1921. -- Referred to the House Calendar and ordered to be printed |
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Disposal of waste and drainage water from Yuma project, Arizona. January 17, 1921. -- Committed to the Committee of the Whole House on the State of the Union and ordered to be printed |
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Coinage of a Roosevelt 2-cent coin. January 17, 1921. -- Referred to the House Calendar and ordered to be printed |
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