674-B22M 5:2009-E-31
Global liquidity trap : a simple analytical investigation / |
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674-B22M 5:2009-E-32
Generalized extreme value distribution with time-dependence using the AR and MA models in state space form / |
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674-B22M 5:2010-E-1
Partially binding platforms : political promises as a partial commitment device / |
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674-B22M 5:2010-E-2
Booms and busts in asset prices / |
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674-B22M 5:2010-E-3
The fiscal multiplier and spillover in a global liquidity trap / |
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674-B22M 5:2010-E-4
Policy measures to alleviate foreign currency liquidity shortages under aggregate risk with moral hazard / |
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674-B22M 5:2010-E-5
New Keynesian dynamics in a low interest rate environment / |
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674-B22M 5:2010-E-6
The effects of monetary policy commitment : evidence from time-varying parameter VAR analysis / |
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674-B22M 5:2010-E-7
Partially binding platforms and the advantages of being an extreme candidate / |
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674-B22M 5:2010-E-8
Accelerated investment and credit risk under a low interest rate environment : a real options approach / |
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674-B22M 5:2010-E-9
An empirical analysis of equity market expectations in the recent financial turmoil using implied moments and jump diffusion processes / |
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674-B22M 5:2010-E-11
Global liquidity trap / |
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674-B22M 5:2010-E-12
A time-invariant duration policy under the zero lower bound / |
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674-B22M 5:2010-E-13
Do banking shocks matter for the U.S. economy? / |
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674-B22M 5:2010-E-14
The future of central banking : a lesson from United States history / |
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674-B22M 5:2010-E-15
Some alternative perspectives on macroeconomic theory and some policy implications / |
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674-B22M 5:2010-E-16
Banking globalization and international business cycles / |
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674-B22M 5:2010-E-17
Globalization, pass-through and inflation dynamic / |
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674-B22M 5:2010-E-18
Financial regulation going forward / |
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674-B22M 5:2010-E-19
Can cross-border financial markets create endogenously good collateral in a crisis? / |
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