Call Number (LC) Title Results
726.5 H665a The Abbey of St. Andrew, Hexham : a monograph / 1
726.5 In7 Instrumenta ecclesiastica / 1
726.5 K893m La Madeleine : histoire de la paroisse, de ses curés et de la construction de l'église avec la description de ses œuvres d'art / 1
726.5 M381c Colonial churches of Tidewater Virginia / 1
726.5 Sh2a Supplement to "Architectural parallels" : containing the full- sized mouldings of ... abbey churches.
Architectural parallels; or, The progress of ecclesiastical architecture in England through the twelfth and thirteenth centuries.
726.5 Su34a Abbot Suger on the abbey church of St.-Denis and its art treasures / 1
726.6 Ar75d Descriptions de la cathédrale de Milan : accompagnée d'observations historiques et critiques sur sa construction, et sur les monumens d'art dont elle est enrichie : ornée de 65 gravures. 1
726.6 B692e English cathedrals : their architecture, symbolism and history / 1
726.6 C771p Portrait of Salisbury Cathedral. 1
726.6 D934B The cathedral church of Durham : a description of its fabric and a brief history of the Episcopal see / 1
726.6 F753a The American house today / 1
726.6 H665d Description of the exterior and interior of the Cathedral of Milan. 1
726.6 L551a L'art gothique et les grandes cathédrales ... d'après les documents des archives de la Commission des monuments historiques : notice historique et archéologique. 1
726.6 L612w Westminster cathedral and its architect / 1
726.6 P65n Der Naumburger dom und seine bildwerke / 1
726.6 P888 The Cathedral churches of England : their architecture, history and antiquities, with bibliography, itinery & glossary / 1
726.8 P196s Studi su Perugia etrusca : necropoli del Frontone di Monteluce e dello Sperandio. 1
727 N821c Libraries, clubs, and schools. 1
728 Am33a American builder guide to better homes. 1
728 Am35b Basic principles of healthful housing / 1