Call Number (LC) Title Results
73-2:S.RP.1219 Amendment to the Trading with the Enemy Act, as amended. May 28 (calendar day, June 1), 1934. -- Ordered to be printed 1
73-2:S.RP.1220 Tax exemption for property of the National Society of the Sons of the American Revolution. May 28 (calendar day, June 1), 1934. -- Ordered to be printed 1
73-2:S.RP.1221 Prevent misrepresentation and deception in the sale of milk and cream in the District of Columbia. May 28 (calendar day, June 1), 1934. -- Ordered to be printed 1
73-2:S.RP.1222 Provide for needy blind persons in the District of Columbia. May 28 (calendar day, June 1), 1934. -- Ordered to be printed 1
73-2:S.RP.1223 To amend section 11 of the Alcoholic Beverage Control Act of the District of Columbia. May 28 (calendar day, June 1), 1934. -- Ordered to be printed 1
73-2:S.RP.1224 Sale of Tenley School building. May 28 (calendar day, June 1), 1934. -- Ordered to be printed 1
73-2:S.RP.1225 Amending District of Columbia Alcoholic Beverage Control Act. May 28 (calendar day, June 1), 1934. -- Ordered to be printed 1
73-2:S.RP.1226 Amend section 601 (c) (2) of the Revenue Act of 1932. May 28 (calendar day, June 1), 1934. -- Ordered to be printed 1
73-2:S.RP.1227 Repeal certain laws providing for the protection of sea lions in Alaska waters. May 28 (calendar day, June 1), 1934. -- Ordered to be printed 1
73-2:S.RP.1228 Authorizing a preliminary examination or survey of a ship canal across Prince of Wales Island, Alaska. May 28 (calendar day, June 1), 1934. -- Ordered to be printed 1
73-2:S.RP.1229 Authorizing the President to make rules and regulations in respect to alcoholic beverages in the Canal Zone. May 28 (calendar day, June 1), 1934. -- Ordered to be printed 1
73-2:S.RP.1233 Directing the Federal Trade Commission to complete its utilities investigation. May 28 (calendar day, June 1), 1934. -- Ordered to be printed 1
73-2:S.RP.1234 America Secure Analytical Register of Regular Army Officers and Security Statistics, with graphs, 1775-1934. May 28 (calendar day, June 1), 1934. -- Ordered to be printed 1
73-2:S.RP.1237 International Boundary Commission, United States and Mexico. May 28 (calendar day, June 1), 1934. -- Ordered to be printed 1
73-2:S.RP.1238 Acquisition of land for the Upper Mississippi River Wildlife and Fish Refuge. May 28 (calendar day, June 4), 1934. -- Ordered to be printed 1
73-2:S.RP.1239 Bridge across Lake Champlain at West Swanton, Vt. May 28 (calendar day, June 4), 1934. -- Ordered to be printed 1
73-2:S.RP.1243 Authorizing removal of certain restrictions on distilleries and rectifying plants. May 28 (calendar day, June 4), 1934. -- Ordered to be printed 1
73-2:S.RP.1245 To provide funds for cooperation with School District No. 17-H, Big Horn County, Mont. May 28 (calendar day, June 4), 1934. -- Ordered to be printed 1
73-2:S.RP.1246 Regulate foreclosure of mortgages and deeds of trust in District of Columbia. May 28 (calendar day, June 4), 1934. -- Ordered to be printed 1
73-2:S.RP.1247 Financial responsibility of motor vehicle operators in the District of Columbia. May 28 (calendar day, June 4), 1934. -- Ordered to be printed 1