812 P58p
Plays to enjoy / |
1 |
812 P7j
Jack and Jill / |
1 |
812 P763b
The babes in the wood / |
1 |
812 R27d
Drama : an introductory anthology / |
1 |
812 R5s
The slippers of Cinderella : an impossibility in one act / |
1 |
812 Sh2ju
Julius Caesar / |
1 |
812 Sh2mea
Measure for measure / |
1 |
812 Sh2tn
Twelfth night. : Hamlet / |
1 |
812 Sh2tr
The tragedy of King Lear / |
1 |
812 So6h
Humorous plays for children / |
1 |
812 Sch6d
Dino and other plays / |
1 |
812 W52a
Ali Baba / |
1 |
812 W52s
The sleeping beauty / |
1 |
812.09 H255d
The development of American social comedy from 1787 to 1936 / |
1 |
812.4 B819
The unseen empire : a peace play in four acts / |
1 |
812.4 F744
The famous Mrs. Fair : and other plays / |
1 |
812.4 H24m
The mouse-trap : a comedietta in one act / |
1 |
812.4 H241t
Thompson of the 'Varsity : a college comedy in three acts. |
1 |
812.4 H77m
Malinche : an opera of Mexico / |
1 |
812.4 K17h
The house across the way : a play in one act / |
1 |