Call Number (LC) Title Results
9-Ed8 9:N25 Ernest Neal, Georgia's second poet laureate / 1
9-Ed8A 4: Georgia public library statistics. 1
9-Ed9 4: Directory of Educational Opportunities in Georgia. 1
9-F&6R 4:83 1990 Efficacy of three injected chemical systems for control of the southern pine beetle / 1
9-F76 4:7 1990 A field investigation of the factors which control germination and establishment of loblolly pine seeds / 1
9-F76R 4: Georgia forest research paper. 1
9-F76R 4:79 1990 Tables for estimating total-tree weights, stem weights, and volumes of planted and natural southern pines in the Southeast / 1
9-F76R 4:80 1990 Effects of competing vegetation levels on soil moisture and early loblolly pine survival and growth / 1
9-F76R 4:84 1991 Effects of sulfometuron and imazapyr combinations on Johnsongrass for pine establishment on old fields / 1
9-F76R 4:85 1991 Influence of planting density, intensive culture, geographic location, and species on juvenile wood formation in southern pine / 1
9-F76R 4:86 1991 Estimating the costs of water quality protection on private forest lands in Georgia / 1
9-F76R 4:87 1992 Occurrence and seasonal activity of pine tip moths in Georgia / 1
9-F76R 4:88 1992 Silvicultural guidelines for pinestraw management in the southeastern United States / 1
9:H34 State of Colorado health agencies, December 1936. 1
9-H34 9:H62 History of public health in Georgia : 1733-1950. 1
9-H88P 4: Vital statistics data book. 1
9:L59 Lexique russe-français de mécanique des sols : annexes, translittération courante des noms d'auteurs non russes, comparaison des classifications des sols en URSS et en France / 1
9-L61.6 9:H53 Highlights of a decade, 1936-1946 / 1
9 MUSICPOP 1892 Oh, that we two were Maying / 1
9:P91 Preliminary and partial report to the Honorable John C. Vivian, Governor of Colorado / 1