Call Number (LC) Title Results
96-1:H.rp.534 Providing for the printing of the report of the official visit by the Speaker's delegation to the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics : report to accompany H. Res. 397. 1
96-1:H.rp.535 Approving the printing of additional copies of the publication entitled "A guidelines handbook on Federal loan guarantee programs" : report to accompany H. Res. 402. 1
96-1:H.rp.536 Providing for printing additional copies of the committee print entitled "Seventh edition of the Immigration and nationality act with amendments and notes on related laws" : report to accompany H. Con. Res. 184. 1
96-1:H.rp.537 Earnings test for social security beneficiaries : report to accompany H.R. 5295. 1
96-1:H.rp.538 Reduction of unemployment compensation by retirement benefits : report together with dissenting views to accompany H.R. 5507. 1
96-1:H.rp.539/pt.1-3 Unemployment compensation to employees of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration : report to accompany S. 1454 / 1
96-1:H.rp.540 Civil service authorization act of 1979 : report together with supplemental views to accompany H.R. 5138. 1
96-1:H.rp.541 Second concurrent resolution on the budget, fiscal year 1980 : conference report to accompany S. Con. Res. 36. 1
96-1:H.rp.542 Making appropriations for the Department of Housing and Urban Development : conference report to accompany H.R. 4394. 1
96-1:H.rp.543 Designation of the birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr., as a legal holiday : report together with minority views to accompany H.R. 5461. 1
96-1:H.rp.544 Amending the act of December 22, 1974 (88 STAT. 1712, 25 U.S.C. 640d) : report to accompany H.R. 5262. 1
96-1:H.rp.545 Tax administrative provisions revision act of 1979 : report to accompany H.R. 5505. 1
96-1:H.rp.546 Department of Defense authorization act, fiscal year 1980 : conference report to accompany S. 428. 1
96-1:H.RP.547 Providing for the consideration of House Joint Resolution 430 : report (to accompany H. Res. 464) 1
96-1:H.rp.548 Civil suits for violations of civil rights : report to accompany H.R. 3343. 1
96-1:H.rp.549 Amend District of Columbia redevelopment act of 1945 : report to accompany H.R. 4546. 1
96-1:H.rp.550 Extend borrowing authority for the District of Columbia : report to accompany H.R. 5537. 1
96-1:H.rp.551 Conveyance to the Little Sisters of the Poor : report to accompany H.R. 5645. 1
96-1:H.rp.552 Low-income energy assistance supplemental appropriation : report to accompany H.J. Res. 430. 1
96-1:H.rp.553 Making appropriations for the agriculture, rural development, and related agencies programs for fiscal year 1980 : conference report to accompany H.R. 4387. 1