To provide funds for the expenses of investigations and studies to be conducted by the Committee on Veterans' Affairs : report to accompany H. Res. 537. |
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To provide funds for the expenses of investigations and studies to be conducted by the Committee on Ways and Means : report to accompany H. Res. 538. |
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To provide funds for the expenses of investigations and studies to be conducted by the Committee on District of Columbia : report to accompany H. Res. 539. |
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To provide funds for the expenses of investigations and studies to be conducted by the Committee on Armed Services : report to accompany H. Res. 541. |
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To provide funds for the expenses of investigations and studies to be conducted by the Committee on House Administration : report to accompany H. Res. 543. |
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To provide funds for the expenses of investigations and studies to be conducted by the Committee on Public Works and Transportation : report to accompany H. Res. 545. |
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To provide funds for the expenses of investigations and studies to be conducted by the Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries : report to accompany H. Res. 546. |
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To provide funds for the expenses of investigations and studies to be conducted by the Committee on Rules : report to accompany H. Res. 552. |
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To provide funds for the expenses of investigations and studies to be conducted by the Committee on Agriculture : report to accompany H. Res. 554. |
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To provide funds for the expenses of investigations and studies to be conducted by the Committee on Small Business : report to accompany H. Res. 556. |
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To provide funds for the expenses of investigations and studies of a Welfare and Pension Plans Task Force to be conducted by the Committee on Education and Labor : report to accompany H. Res. 557. |
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To provide funds for the expenses of investigations and studies to be conducted by the Select Committee on Aging : report to accompany H. Res. 565. |
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To provide funds for the expenses of investigations and studies to be conducted by the Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs : report to accompany H. Res. 567. |
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To provide funds for the expenses of investigations and studies to be conducted by the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence : report to accompany H. Res. 569. |
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Directing the Attorney General of the United States to furnish certain information to the House of Representatives : adverse report together with supplemental views to accompany H. Res. 571. |
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Providing for the consideration of H.R. 6081 : report (to accompany H. Res. 581) |
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Report by the Committee on Appropriations on allocation of budget totals based on the second concurrent resolution on the budget for fiscal year 1980 / |
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Refugee act of 1980 : conference report to accompany S. 643. |
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To extend and increase certain agricultural loan programs : report together with supplemental views to accompany H.R. 6291. |
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Authorizing the conveyance of lands in the city of Hot Springs, Ark. : report to accompany S. 1850. |
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