Call Number (LC) Title Results
A 1.107:598  
A 1.107:599  
A 1.107:600 Characteristics of burley tobacco farms / 1
A 1.107:601 Investments in soil conservation and land improvements : factors explaining farmers' decisions / 1
A 1.107:602 Economic effects of banning soil fumigants 1
A 1.107:605 Effects of meat imports on the Puerto Rican livestock-meat industry 1
A 1.107:606 Water quality benefits from the Conservation Reserve Program 1
A 1.107:607 Economics of ethanol production in the United States / 1
A 1.107:608 Issues raised by new agricultural technologies : livestock growth hormones / 1
A 1.107:609 The agricultural work force of 1987 a statistical profile / 1
A 1.107:610 Irrigated acreage in the Conservation Reserve Program 1
A 1.107:611 The U.S. milling and baking industries / 1
A 1.107:612 Technology and agricultural productivity in the Sahel / 1
A 1.107:613 Data for food demand analysis : availability, characteristics, options / 1
A 1.107:614 Food marketing review, 1988 1
A 1.107:616 Resource policy subsidies and the GATT negotiations 1
A 1.107:617 Structural change in U.S. farmland 1
A 1.107:618 Implementing the Conservation Reserve Program analysis of environmental options / 1
A 1.107:619 Metropolitan growth and agriculture farming in the city's shadow / 1
A 1.107:620 Agricultural-food policy review : U.S. agricultural policies in a changing world. 1