Call Number (LC) Title Results
A 1.2:Sci 1/8 Science serving agriculture. 1
A 1.2:Sci 1/9/936 Science serving agriculture. 1
A 1.2:SCI 1/12 Science serving agriculture / 1
A 1.2:Sci 1/12 Science Serving Agriculture. 1
A 1.2:Sci 1/13 Science serving agriculture. 1
A 1.2:Sci 1/14 New directions for science, education, and agriculture. 1
A 1.2:Sci 1/15 Science and policy issues : a report of citizen concerns and recommendations for American agricultural research. 1
A 1.2:SE 1/ USDA service centers news / 1
A 1.2:Se 2 The Secretary's actions to improve meat pricing and price reporting. 1
A 1.2:Se 3/1 Seed distribution, U.S. Department of Agriculture letter setting forth present status regarding seed distribution. 2
A 1.2:Se 3/2 Opinions of press concerning free seed distribution 2
A 1.2:Se 3/3 Free seed distribution statement of Secretary at joint meeting of Senate and House Committees of Agriculture. 2
A 1.2:Se 3/4 Proposals for furnishing seed to U.S Department of Agriculture for fiscal year 1896 2
A 1.2:Se 3/5 [Prohibiting use of Government seed envelopes by unauthorized parties] 2
A 1.2:Se 3/6 Cost of seed distribution 2
A 1.2:Se 3/7 Brief instructions in regard to sowing seeds and raising young plants of forest trees 2
A 1.2:SE 3/8 The adulteration and misbranding of the seeds of Kentucky bluegrass and redtop. 1
A 1.2:Se 3/8 Adulteration and misbranding of seeds of Kentucky bluegrass and redtop
Adulteration and misbranding of seeds of Kentucky bluegrass and redtop.
A 1.2:Se 4/983 Selling to the USDA. 1
A 1.2:Se 6 100 years of service : United States Department of Agriculture. 1