Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
A 1.2:R 53/1/922 | Certificate of deduction and apportionment by Secretary of Agriculture for fiscal year 1922. | 1 |
A 1.2:R 53/1/923 | Certificate of deduction and apportionment by Secretary of Agriculture from appropriation authorized to be made for fiscal year 1923. | 1 |
A 1.2:R 53/1/924 | Certificate of deduction and apportionment by Secretary of Agriculture from appropriation authorized to be made for fiscal year 1924. | 1 |
A 1.2:R 53/1 to A 1.2:R 53/1/924 | Certificate of deduction and apportionment by Secretary of Agriculture from appropriation authorized to be made for fiscal year | 1 |
A 1.2:R 53/2 | Standards governing form and arrangement of plans, specifications, and estimates for Federal aid projects, as provided for in rules and regulations of Secretary of Agriculture for carrying out Federal Aid Road Act (except Section 8 thereof) | 2 |
A 1.2:R 88/2/963 | Upswing in rural America. | 1 |
A 1.2:R 88/2/965 | Upswing in rural America. | 1 |
A 1.2:R 88/4 | ||
A 1.2:R 89 | Annual reports, together with selected correspondence relating to export trade of U.S. in livestock and meat products, of Jeremiah M. Rusk, Secretary of Agriculture,1889-1892 | 2 |
A 1.2:R 98 |
Rye in cotton belt Rye in cotton belt. |
2 |
A 1.2:R 432/x | ||
A 1.2:R 843/x | ||
A1.2:R31/18 | Agricultural research for a better tomorrow : commemorating the Hatch Act Centennial, 1887-1987. | 1 |
A 1.2:S 683/4/x | Ideas underlying soil systematics = Mysli przewodnie systematyki gleb / | 1 |
A 1.2:Sa 1/956 | 13th National farm safety week : July 22-28, 1956 : safety pays all ways. | 1 |
A 1.2:Sa 1/960 | National farm safety week : July 24 to 30, 1960 : enjoy farm life, practice safety. | 1 |
A 1.2:Sa 1/961 | National farm safety week : July 23-29, 1961 : safety is a family affair. | 1 |
A 1.2:Sa 1/962 | National farm safety week : July 22-28, 1962 : family safety at work and play. | 1 |
A 1.2:Sa 1/963 | National farm safety week : July 21-27, 1963 : inspection + correction = protection. | 1 |
A 1.2:Sa 1/964 | 21st national farm safety week : July 19-25, 1964 : safer American families everywhere. | 1 |