Call Number (LC) Title Results
A 1.2:R 31/12 A national program of research for agriculture : report of a study / 1
A 1.2:R 31/13/980 Report of the public's comments on the RCA draft documents, January-March, 1980 : Soil and water resources conservation act. 1
A 1.2:R 31/13/980/highlights Highlights of the public response to the RCA draft documents. 1
A 1.2:R 31/13/980/sum  
A 1.2:R 31/13/981-82/rev.draft National report of the public's comments on the revised draft RCA program report, November 1981-January 1982 / 1
A 1.2:R 31/14 Natural resources research directory. 1
A 1.2:R 31/14/983 Natural resources research directory. 1
A 1.2:R 31/14/984 Natural resources research directory. 1
A 1.2:R 31/15 Agricultural research, extension, and education recommendations : report to the secretary / 1
A 1.2:R 31/19 Research, Education, and Economics Secretarial and Clerical Coordinating Council. 1
A 1.2:R 35/ ORACBA news /
ORACBA newsletter /
A 1.2:R 36/4 Proceedings of the twelfth Rice Technical Working Group held at New Orleans, Louisiana, March 5-7, 1968. 1
A 1.2:R 49 Introduction to risk management : understanding agricultural risks : production, marketing, financial, legal, human resources / 1
A 1.2:R 49/SPANISH Introduccion al manejo de riesgos : cómo entender los riesgos agrícolas para : producción, mercadotecnia, financas, aspectos legales, recursos humanos / 1
A 1.2:R 51 A preliminary assessment of the effects of Hurricane Rita on U.S. agriculture 1
A 1.2:R 53 Standards governing the form and arrangement of plans, specifications, and estimates for federal aid projects : as provided for in the rules and regulations of the secretary of agriculture for carrying out the federal aid road act (except section 8 there of) ; issued April 28, 1917. 1
A 1.2:R 53/1 Certificate of deduction and apportionment by Secretary of Agriculture for fiscal year 1918. 1
A 1.2:R 53/1/919 Certificate by Secretary of Agriculture of deduction from and apportionment of $50,000,000 immediately available for fiscal year 1919. 1
A 1.2:R 53/1/920 Certificate by Secretary of Agriculture of deduction from and apportionment of $75,000,000 for fiscal year 1920. 1
A 1.2:R 53/1/921 Certificate by Secretary of Agriculture of deductions from and apportionment of $75,000,000 for fiscal year 1921. 1