Call Number (LC) Title Results
A 1.2:Se 6/2 Services available through the U.S. Department of Agriculture. 1
A 1.2:SE 9 Survey of the Forest Service Region 5 regarding sexual harassment : methodology, analysis, and results. 1
A 1.2:Sh 3/2 Producing sheep on southern farms
Producing sheep on southern farms.
A 1.2:Sm 1 Small farmer credit distribution and administration course. 1
A 1.2:Sm 1/2 Southwest Small Farms Conference : regional report, Albuquerque, New Mexico / 1
A 1.2:Sm 1/4 Regional report, La Grande, Oregon : Northwest Small Farms Conference / 1
A 1.2:So 3 Program for soil erosion, moisture conservation and stream regulation research; first report of the Committee on Soil Erosion
Program for soil erosion, moisture conservation and stream regulation research; first report of the Committee on Soil Erosion.
A 1.2:So 3/4 Soil, water, and suburbia ; a report of the proceedings. 1
A 1.2:So 3/5 Improving soils with organic wastes. 1
A 1.2:So 3/7/980/ Soil and Water Resources Conservation Act : 1980 appraisal : soil, water, and related resources in the United States / 1
A 1.2:So 3/7/980/review/pt.1 Soil and Water Resources Conservation Act 1980 appraisal. 1
A 1.2:So 3/7/989 The Second RCA appraisal : soil, water, and related resources on nonfederal land in the United States : analysis of condition and trends / 1
A 1.2:SO 3/7/2011 RCA appraisal : Soil and Water Resources Conservation Act. 1
A 1.2:So 3/8  
A 1.2:SO 3/9 A National program for soil and water conservation : 1982 final program report and environmental impact statement : Soil and Water Resources Conservation Act (RCA) 1
A 1.2:So 3/9 A National program for soil and water conservation : 1982 final program report and environmental impact statement : Soil and Water Resources Conservation Act (RCA) 1
A 1.2:SO 3/9/988-97/UPDATE A National Program for Soil and Water Conservation : the 1988-97 update. 1
A 1.2:SO 3/9/SUM A National program for soil and water conservation : summary of the 1982 final program report and environmental impact statement : Soil and Water Resources Conservation Act of 1977.
A National program for soil and water conservation : 1982 final program report and environmental impact statement : Soil and Water Resources Conservation Act (RCA)
A 1.2:So 3/10 Methods of studying soil structure = [Metody issledovaniya struktury gruntov] / 1
A 1.2:So 3/11 Soil, water and crop/livestock management systems for rainfed agriculture in the Near East Region : proceedings of the workshop at Amman, Jordan, January 18-23, 1986 / 1