Call Number (LC) Title Results
A 1.2:TT 67-51307 Distant hybridization of Juglans L. species in the Ukraine. : (Otdalennaya gibridizatsiya vidov roda Juglans L. na Ukraine) / 1
A 1.2:TT 67-51308 The timberline, krummholz and forests of prostrate trees in the high-mountain zone of the Soviet Carpathians : (O granitse lesa, krivoles ʹyakh i stlanikakh v vysokogorʹyakh Sovetskikh Karpat) / 1
A 1.2:TT 67-51309 Occurrence of rust on the Aleppo pine in Istria = Pojava rde na Alepskom boru u Istri / 1
A 1.2:TT 67-51310 Thermal regime of soil on a reclaimed bog : (Rezhim temperatury pochvy na osushennom bolote) / 1
A 1.2:TT 67-51311 Dynamics of the moisture content of soil after addition of hydraulic peat : (Dinamika vlazhnosti pochvy posle vneseniya gidrotorfa) / 1
A 1.2:TT 67-51312 Timberline dynamics in the southern Sikhote Alin Mountains = O dinamike verkhnei granitsy lesa v gorakh yuzhnogo Sikhote-Alinya / 1
A 1.2:TT 67-51313 Effect of seed position in the soil on the formation of the root system and stem in Persian walnut seedlings = Vliyanie polozheniya semeni v pochve na formirovanie kornevoi sistemy i stvola seyantsev gretskogo orekha / 1
A 1.2:TT 67-51314 Changes in the physical properties of peat-bog forest soils due to drainage = Izmenenie fizicheskikh svoistv torfyano-bolotnykh lesnykh pochv pri lesoosushitel'noi melioratsii / 1
A 1.2:TT 67-51315 The biology of flowering of European ash (Fraxinus excelsior L.) = K biologii tsveteniya yasenya obyknovennogo (Fraxinus excelsior L.) / 1
A 1.2:TT 67-51316 Secondary growth and secondary flowering of Persian walnut = O vtorichnom roste i vtorichnom tsvetenii gretskogo orekha / 1
A 1.2:TT 67-51317 Maximum and optimum norms of bog drainage = (O predel'nykh i optimal'nykh normakh osusheniya bolot) / 1
A 1.2:TT 67-51318 The selection of initial seeds and the method of rearing young seedlings = Otbor iskhodnykh semyan i metod vospitaniya molodnykh seyantsev / 1
A 1.2:TT 67-51319 Mycoflora of field-protective forest plantations of the east bank Dnieper steppe and forest-steppe of the Ukranian SSR = Mikoflora polezakhysnykh lisonasadzhen' livoberezhnoho stepu ta lisostepu Ukrayins'koi RSR / 1
A 1.2:TT 67-51320 Physical principles of moisture determination in peat by the neutron method : (O fizicheskoi osnove opredeleniya vlazhnosti torfa neitronnym metodom) / 1
A 1.2:TT 67-51321 Certain hydrophysical properties of peat soils and their alteration on reclamation under conditions prevailing in the Estonian SSR : (Nekotorye vodno-fizicheskie svoistva torfyanykh pochv i ikh izmenenie pri osushenii bolot v usloviyakh Estonskoi SSR) / 1
A 1.2:TT 67-51322 Disease resistance of the eastern white pine in forest plantations. : (Do pytannya pro stiikistʹ sosny veimutovoi u lisovykh kulʹturakh) 1
A 1.2:TT 67-51323 Evaporation on syrts of the Issyk-kulʹ region = (Ob isparenii na syrtakh Issyk-Kulʹ skoi oblasti) / 1
A 1.2:TT 67-51324 Drainage norms for peat-bog soils : (O normakh osusheniya torfyano-bolotnykh pochv) / 1
A 1.2:TT 67-51325 The negative action of a large amount of pollen in pollination of Persian walnut (Juglans Regia) = Otritsatel'noe deistvie bol'shogo kolichestva pyl'tsy pri opylenii gretskogo orekha / 1
A 1.2:TT 67-51326 Experiment in draining a bog by widely spaced deep canals : (Opyt osusheniya bolot redkimi glubokimi kanalami) / 1