Call Number (LC) Title Results
A 1.2:TT 84-4-1132 Research activities at the veterinary institutes = Allategeszsegugyi intezeti kutatasok / 1
A 1.2:TT 84-4-1133 The usefulness of the agar gel precipitation test for the detection of Brucella ovis infections = Az agargel-precipitacios proba hasznalhatosaga a Brucella ovis-fertozottseg felderiteseben / 1
A 1.2:TT 84-4-1134 Control of bovine tuberculosis and brucellosis in Hungary over the past 15 years = A szarvasmarha-allomanyok gumokor- es brucellosis- mentesitesenek alakulasa az elmult 15 evben / 1
A 1.2:TT 84-4-1135 Effect of brucella eradication program on the infection rate of large scale farm workers = A mentesitesi program hatasa a nagyuzemi allattenyeszetek dolgozoinak brucella-fertozottsegere / 1
A 1.2:TT 84-4-1136 The most important diseases of sheep and their laboratory diagnosis = A gyakoribb juhbetegsegek es korjelzesuk / 1
A 1.2:TT 84-4-1137 Vaccination against swine fever with lapinized virus = A sertespestis lapinizalt virusaval valo vedooltas bevezetese az egyik nagy serteshizlalo telepen / 1
A 1.2:TT 84-4-1138 How the European economic community intends to control hog cholera regulations = Come la CEE intende combattere la peste suina. 1
A 1.2:TT 84-4-1139 Vaccination against hog cholera = Vaccinazione contro la peste sunina classica / 1
A 1.2:TT 84-4-1140 Vesicular disease of swine caused by enterovirus = Malattia vescicolare dei suini (da Enterovirus) / 1
A 1.2:TT 84-4-1141 An outbreak of foot-and-mouth disease in circus elephants = Un focolaio di afta epizootica in elefanti da circo / 1
A 1.2:TT 84-4-1142 Eczemas of delayed development following vaccination of cattle against foot-and-mouth disease and their treatment = Eczemi ad insorgenza ritardata dopo vaccinazione antiaftosa del bovino e loro terapia / 1
A 1.2:TT 84-4-1143 African horse sickness = La peste equina africana / 1
A 1.2:TT 84-4-1144 Studies on Holth's complement fixation test for bovine brucellosis = Ricerche sperimentali sulla prova di Holth nella diagnosi di brucellosi bovina / 1
A 1.2:TT 84-4-1146 Studies on the classification of brucella. Burusera Zoku kin no gatabetsuni Kansuru Kenkyu Daisanho : Br. abortus Type II (Wilson) ni tsnite / 1
A 1.2:TT 84-4-1147 Studies on the classification of brucella. 1
A 1.2:TT 84-4-1152 Attempts to treat bovine brucellosis with antibiotics = Proby leczenia antybiotykami brucelozy bydla / 1
A 1.2:TT 84-4-1153 Disease of silver foxes and minks due to Aujeszky's virus = Zachorowania lisow srebrzystych i norek wywolane virusem Aujeszky / 1
A 1.2:TT 84-4-1154 Use of complement in seroneutralization test for early detection of antibodies against Aujeszky's disease virus in pigs = Zastosowanie dopelniacza w odczynie seroneutralizacji do wczesnego wykrywania przeciwcial dla wirusa choroby Aujeszky'ego u swin / 1
A 1.2:TT 84-4-1155 Investigations on standardization of antiglobulin (Coombs) test applied to serodiagnosis of bovine brucellosis. Z badan nad standaryzacja odczynu antyglobulinowego (Coombsa) stosowanego w serodiagnostyce brucelozy bydla. 1
A 1.2:TT 84-4-1156 Effect of centrifuging serum plus Brucella antigen on the results of tube agglutination tests = Wplyw wirowania uktadu surowica + antygen Brucella na wynik aglutynacji probowkowej / 1