Call Number (LC) Title Results
A 1.2:TT 85-4-0261 Application of the milk ring test for testing goat and sheep milk for Brucella = Primenenie kol'tsevoi reaktsii dlia issledovaniia koz'e-ovech'ego moloka na brutsellez / 1
A 1.2:TT 85-4-0262 Indirect leukocytolysis in the diagnosis of chronic and residual brucellosis = Nepriamoi leikotsitoliz v diagnostike khronicheskogo i rezidual'nogo brutselleza / 1
A 1.2:TT 85-4-0263 Experimental study of immunization of guinea pigs with combined brucellosis-tularemia vaccine = Eksperimental'noe izuchenie immunizatsii assotsiirovannoi brutsellezno-tuliaremiinoi vaktsinoi na morskikh svinkakh. 1
A 1.2:TT 85-4-0264 Some results of practical scientific methods of brucellosis control = Nekotorye itogi nauchnoprakticheskogo opyta bor'by s brutsellezom / 1
A 1.2:TT 85-4-0265 Treatment of human brucellosis patients = O lechenii bol'nykh brutsellezom / 1
A 1.2:TT 85-4-0266 Brucellosis in wild gray rats = O brutselleze u dikikh serykh krys / 1
A 1.2:TT 85-4-0267 Results of experimental decrease in brucellosis incidence in the Saratov region = Opyt snizheniia zabolevanii brutsellezom v Saratovskoi oblasti / 1
A 1.2:TT 85-4-0268 Soviet epidemiological science achievements in the Armenian SSR = Dostizheniia sovetskoi epidemiologicheskoi nauki v Armianskoi SSR / 1
A 1.2:TT 85-4-0269 Usefulness of the huddleson slide agglutination reaction for determination of Brucella in milk products = K voprosu o prigodnosti metoda aggliutinatsii na stekle (reaktsiia kheddl'sona) dlia opredeleniia zarazhennosti molochnykh produktov brutsellami / 1
A 1.2:TT 85-4-0270 Data analysis and evaluation of the brucellosis skin revaccination method among previously vaccinated meat factory workers of the Sverdlovsk region = Analiz materialov i otsenka metoda nakozhnoi revaktsinatsii ranee privitykh protiv brutselleza sredi rabochikh miasokombinatov Sverdlovskoi oblasti / 1
A 1.2:TT 85-4-0271 Specificity and activity of brucella hydrolysate and its biochemical character = Spetsifichnost' i aktivnost' brutsellogidrolizata i ego biokhimicheskaia priroda / 1
A 1.2:TT 85-4-0272 Study of the L-forms of brucella, their revertants and initial cultures = Izuchenie L-form brutsell, ikh revertantov i iskhodnykh kul'tur / 1
A 1.2:TT 85-4-0278 Conclusions of a round table on prophylaxis and treatment of newcastle disease (review of the article appearing in tribuna veterinaria, (4): 163, 1973) = Conclusiones de una mesa redonda sobre profilaxis y tratamiento de la enfermedad de Newcastle / 1
A 1.2:TT 85-4-0280 Human brucellosis in Argentina. Biological diagnosis = Brucelosis Humana en le Republica Argentina. Diagnostico biologico / 1
A 1.2:TT 85-4-0281 Evaluation of therapeutic conept for brucellosis in the Department of Investigative Medicine = Evolucion del conepto terapeutico de la brucelosis en el Departmento de Investigaciones Medicas / 1
A 1.2:TT 85-4-0282 Analytical history of brucellosis in Cuba = Historia analitica de las brucelosis en Cuba / 1
A 1.2:TT 85-4-0283 Brucellar spondylitis = La espondilitis brucelosica / 1
A 1.2:TT 85-4-0284 The opsonocytophagic test in brucellosis : Some observations on technical factors, uses and limitations = La prueba opsonocitofagica en brucelosis : Algunas observaciones sobre factores tecnicos, usos y limitaciones / 1
A 1.2:TT 85-4-0285 Nature of the complement fixation reaction. Naturaleza de la reaccion de fijacion del complemento. I. Aspectos cuantitativos de su mecanismo / 1
A 1.2:TT 85-4-0286 Brucellosis in the bull : Correlation between clinical diagnosis and sperm and seroagglutination = Brucelosis en el toro: Correlacion entre el diagnostico clinico y la espermo y la seroaglutinacion / 1