Call Number (LC) Title Results
A 1.2:TT 85-5-0172 Preliminary test for controlling rice "Giallume" (Yellow Virosis) = Prove preliminari di lotta contro il vettore del "giallume" del riso / 1
A 1.2:TT 85-5-0173 Failure to transmit rice "giallume" (yellow virosis) by the aphid sipha glyceriae = Mancata trasmissione del giallume del riso mediante l'afide Sipha glyceriae / 1
A 1.2:TT 85-5-0276 Water regime of peach leaves on different rootsticks in connection with drought resistance = Vodnyi rezhim listʹev persika na razlichnykh podvoiakh v sviazi s zasukhoustoichivostʹiu / 1
A 1.2:TT 85-5-0277 Garlic in the Kiev Region = Chesnok na Kievshchine / 1
A 1.2:TT 85-5-0321 Effect of organic and mineral fertilizers on the yield and the uptake by garlic plants of mineral nutrients from the soil = Vplyv orhanichnykh i mineral'nykh dobryv na vrozhai ta vynos roslynamy chasnyku mineral'nykh elementiv z hruntu / 1
A 1.2:TT 85-5-0500 Modelling optimal feeding of a dairy cow during the entire lactation period = Modellbetrachtungen zur optimalen Futterung einer Milchkuh uber eine Laktationsperiode / 1
A 1.2:TT 85-5-0501 The contact of cuscuta hyphae with the sieve tubes of host plants = Der Anschluss der Cuscuta-Hyphen an die Siebrohren ihrer Wirtspflanzen / 1
A 1.2:TT 85-5-0502 Influence of photoperiodism on growth and abscisic acid content in grapevines = Einfluss der Photoperiode auf Wachstum und Abscisinsauregehalt der Rebe / 1
A 1.2:TT 85-5-0503 Environmental factors affecting the vegetative growth, dormancy and the blossom formation of grapevines (Vitis species). Die Umweltabhangigkeit des vegetativen Wachstums, der Wachstumsruhe und der Blutenbildung von Reben (Vitis-Species). 1
A 1.2:TT 85-5-0504 Environmental factors affecting the vegetative growth, dormancy and the blossom formation of grapevines (Vitis species). Die Umweltabhangigkeit des vegetativen Wachstums, der Wachstumsruhe und der Blutenbildung von Reben (Vitis-Species). 1
A 1.2:TT 85-5-0505 Environmental factors affecting the vegetative growth, dormancy and the blossom formation of grapevines (Vitis species). Die Umweltabhangigkeit des vegetativen Wachstums, der Wachstumsruhe und der Blutenbildung von Reben (Vitis-Species). 1
A 1.2:TT 85-5-0506 The importance of day length for grape growing and breeding = Die Bedetung der Tageslange fur Rebenzuchtung und Weinbau / 1
A 1.2:TT 85-5-0507 The growth of tissues cultures of photoperiodically pre-treated grapevines = Das Wachstum von Gewebekulturen photoperiodisch vorbehandelter Rebenpflanzen / 1
A 1.2:TT 85-5-0508 Varied effects of gibberellic acid on individual processes of the photoperiodically induced growth reaction of vitis vinifera L. = Unterschiedliche wirksamkeit der gibberellinsaure auf Einzelvorgange der photoperiodisch induzierten Wachstumsreaktionen von vitis vinifera L. / 1
A 1.2:TT 85-5-0564 Effect of a malt supplement on the digestibility of feed for cattle = Wplyw dodatku slodu na strawnosc pasz dla bydla / 1
A 1.2:TT 85-5-0567 Glomerella cingulata (Stonem.) Spauld. et Schrenk. f. sp. phaseoli n.f., ascogenic stage of the causal agent of anthracnose in the bean plant = Glomerella cingulata (Stonem.) Spauld. et v. Schrenk. f. sp. phaseoli n.f., fase ascogena do agente causal da antracnose do feijoeiro / 1
A 1.2:TT 85-5-0630 Sex and pathogenicity of smut fungi = Pol i patogennost' golovnevykh gribov / 1
A 1.2:TT 85-5-0633 Peculiarities of frost resistance of grapevine tissues and their destruction by frost = Osobennosti morozostoikosti i vymerzaniia tkanei vinogradnogo rasteniia / 1
A 1.2:TT 85-5-0634 Root damage and stump rots in spruce forests of the Central Urals = Povrezhdenie kornei i napennye gnili v el'nikakh Srednego Urala / 1
A 1.2:TT 85-5-0635 Polysaccharides in the ontogenesis of the Jerusalem artichoke = O polisakharidakh v ontogeneze topinambura / 1