A 1.2:TT 85-5-0900
Investigation of the dependence of the production of fatty acids in the rumen on the composition of the ration = Untersuchungen uber die Abhangigkeit der Fettsaureproduktion im Pansen von der Rationszusammensetzung / |
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A 1.2:TT 85-5-0901
Problem of the effect of higher and various fat supplements on the production of dairy cows and the digestion processes in the rumen = Beitrag zur Frage des Einflusses hoherer und verschiedenartiger Fettgaben auf die Leistung von Milchkuhen und die Verdauungsvorgange im Pansen / |
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A 1.2:TT 85-5-0902
The effects of the addition of different dietary fats on metabolism and production traits of dairy cows = Untersuchungen uber den Einfluss verschiedener Fettbeimischungen zum Futter auf Stoffwechsel und Leistung von Milchkuhen / |
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A 1.2:TT 85-5-0903
Possibilities of using fat in dairy cow nutrition. |
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A 1.2:TT 85-5-0904
Ampelography of the Geisenheim grape varieties enrenfelser, Reichensteiner, Schonburger, Rotberger and Dunkelfelder, registered in the variety catalog = Beitrag zur Ampelographie der in die Sortenliste eingetragenen Geisenheimer Rebsorten Ehrenfelser, Reichensteiner, Schonburger, Rotberger und Dunkelfelder / |
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A 1.2:TT 85-5-0906
Root development of forest trees depending on the ecological conditions. Die Wurzelentwicklung der Waldbaume in Abhangigkeit von den okologischen Verhaltnissen. I / |
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A 1.2:TT 85-5-0907
Root development of forest trees depending on the ecological conditions. Die Wurzelentwicklung der Waldbaume in Abhangigkeit von den okologischen Verhaltnissen. II / |
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A 1.2:TT 85-5-1063
Contents and fluctuation of nutrients in chamiso (Atriplex canescens) during the drought period in a microphyllous thicket of Atriplex and Prosopis = Contenido y fluctuacion de nutrientes del chamizo (Atriplex canescens) durante el periodo de sequia, en un matorral microfilo de Atriplex-Prosopis / |
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A 1.2:TT 85-5-1064
Importance of chamiso (Atriplex cancescens) in the diet of cattle in pasture in a desert thicket of atriplex prosopis during the dry period = Importancia del chamizo (Atriplex canescens) en la dieta de bovinos en pastoreo en un matorral desertico de Atriplex Prosopis durante la epoca de sequia / |
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A 1.2:TT 85-5-1065
Cultivation and improvement of oleaginous plants : chapter 16, Oleaginous pedaliaceae = Capitulo decimosexto : pedaliaceas oleaginosas / |
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A 1.2:TT 85-5-1203
Immunization of cattle, sheep, dogs and cats against Aujeszky's disease = Het vaccineren van "niet varkens" tegen de ziekte van Aujeszky / |
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A 1.2:TT 85-5-1204
Harvesting Freesia two months earlier by cooling the soil = Resultaten bronwaterkoeling proeftuin Venlo Freesia twee maanden eerder oogsten door grondkoeling / |
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A 1.2:TT 85-5-1306
Floral biology of the chestnut = La biologie florale du chataignier / |
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A 1.2:TT 85-5-1307
The chestnut. Chapitre III, Principales varietes fruiteres de chataignier cultivees en France / |
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A 1.2:TT 85-5-1354
Storage proceedings : uptake of "Preduct" and synthesis as well as dislocation of "Product" in the plant = Speicherungsprozesse : Aufnahme von "Praedukt" und Synthese sowie Verlagerung von "Produkt" in der Pflanze / |
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A 1.2:TT 85-10-1641
Aujeszky's disease in dogs and cats in Switzerland = Morbus Aujeszky bei Hund und Katze in der Schweiz / |
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A 1.2:TT 85-10-1642
Colostrum intake and absorption of immunoglobulins by calves with and without birth acidosis = Untersuchungen uber die Kolostrumaufnahme und die Immunglobulinabsorption bei Kalbern mit und ohne Geburtsazidose / |
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A 1.2:TT 85-10-1863
Laboratory tests of resistance of different thermic insulators to the boring of the tenebrionid alphitobius diaperinus panzer (Coleoptera, Tenebrionidae) = Essais en laboratoire de resistance de differents isolants thermiques aux perforations du tenebrion, Alphitobius diaperinus Panzer (Col. Tenebrionidae) / |
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A 1.2:TT 85-10-1893
Changes in the plasmatic concentrations of ornithine, citrulline and arginine in experimental acute hepatic failure = Variazione delle concentrazioni plasmatiche di ornitina, citrullina e arginina nell'insufficienzaepatico acuta sperimentale / |
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A 1.2:TT 86-1-0079
Influence of abiotic factors on the daily and seasonal activity of the Colorado potato beetle = Issledovanie vliianii abioticheskikh factorov na dnevnuiu i sezonnuiu aktivnost' koloradskogo zhuka / |
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