Call Number (LC) Title Results
A1.3-599 Striped peach worm. 1
A 1.3:600 Relation of some of rarer elements in soils and plants
The relation of some of the rarer elements in soils and plants /
Relation of some of rarer elements in soils and plants.
A1.3-600 Relation of some of rarer elements in soils and plants. 1
A 1.3:601 Handling and precooling of Florida lettuce and celery
The handling and precooling of Florida lettuce and celery /
Handling and precooling of Florida lettuce and celery.
A 1.3:601-625 A study of share-rented dairy farms in Green County, Wis., and Kane County, Ill. / 1
A 1.3:601-625/[t.p.,cont.amp;index] Department Bulletins Nos. 601-625, with contents and index. 1
A 1.3:601-625/[t.p.,cont.&index] Department Bulletins, with contents and index 1
A1.3-601.1 Department Bulletins Nos. 601-625, with contents and index. 1
A1.3-601.2 Handling and precooling of Florida lettuce and celery. 1
A 1.3:602 Value of small plot of ground to laboring man Study of food raised by operatives in southern cotton-mill towns.
Value of a small plot of ground to the laboring man : a study of the food raised by operatives in southern cotton-mill towns /
Value of small plot of ground to laboring man : Study of food raised by operatives in southern cotton-mill towns.
A1.3-602 Value of small plot of ground to laboring man : Study of food raised by operatives in southern cotton-mill towns. 1
A 1.3:603 Study of share-rented dairy farms in Green County, Wis., and Kane County, Ill
A study of share-rented dairy farms in Green County, Wis., and Kane County, Ill. /
Study of share-rented dairy farms in Green County, Wis., and Kane County, Ill.
A1.3-603 Study of share-rented dairy farms in Green County, Wis., and Kane County, Ill. 1
A 1.3:604 Incense cedar
Incense cedar /
A 1.3:605 Lumber used in manufacture of wooden products
Lumber used in the manufacture of wooden products /
Lumber used in manufacture of wooden products.
A1.3-605 Lumber used in manufacture of wooden products. 1
A 1.3:606 Relative resistance of various hardwoods to injection with creosote
Relative resistance of various hardwoods to injection with creosote /
Relative resistance of various hardwoods to injection with creosote.
A1.3-606 Relative resistance of various hardwoods to injection with creosote. 1
A 1.3:607 Tests of absorption and penetration of coal tar and creosote in longleaf pine
Tests of the absorption and penetration of coal tar and creosote in longleaf pine /
Tests of absorption and penetration of coal tar and creosote in longleaf pine.
A1.3-607 Tests of absorption and penetration of coal tar and creosote in longleaf pine. 1