Call Number (LC) Title Results
A 1.34:328 Prices paid by farmers for seed : spring season averages, 1926-1961 : September 15 prices, 1949-1961, by states and United States. 1
A 1.34:331 Western range and livestock : 17 western states, 1922-1962 : numerical ratings of condition, by months, range feed, cattle, sheep, goats. 1
A 1.34:334 Farm employment : family and hired workers, annual averages : states, 1950-59, United States, 1910-59. 1
A 1.34:336 Labor used to produce livestock : estimates by states, 1959 / 1
A 1.34:337 Livestock-feed relationships. 1
A 1.34:339 Median family income and related data, by counties : including rural farm income / 1
A 1.34:340 Prices and spreads for fresh fruits and vegetables sold in selected markets, 1956-62 / 1
A 1.34:341 Labor used to produce vegetables, estimates by states, 1959 / 1
A 1.34:341/964 Labor used to produce vegetables, estimates by states, 1959 / 1
A 1.34:344 Liquid petroleum fuel used by farmers in 1959 and related data / 1
A 1.34:345 Federal milk order market statistics : annual summary for 1963. 1
A 1.34:346 Labor used to produce field crops : estimates by states / 1
A 1.34:348 Commercial fertilizer used on crops and pasture in the United States, 1959 estimates / 1
A 1.34:349 Hay in the United States : quantities grown in a normal year, surplus, and deficit areas / 1
A 1.34:350 Commercial peanuts : stocks, millings, processing ; seasons, 1939-40 through 1962-63 ; months, August 1949-July 1963 / 1
A 1.34:351 The Grain-livestock economy of the European Economic Community : a compendium of basic statistics. 1
A 1.34:353 Wood used in manufacturing industries / 1
A 1.34:354 Harvesting of corn, small grains, and related crops : data on practices / 1
A 1.34:357 Prices received by farmers for chickens, turkeys, and eggs : United States and by states, 1909-1963, monthly and annual average prices / 1
A 1.34:358 Railroad freight rate indexes for farm products, 1957-63 / 1