Call Number (LC) Title Results
A 1.36:1483 Yield of crested wheatgrass under four densities of big sagebrush in southern Idaho / 1
A 1.36:1484 Analysis of the effects of cost-of-service transportation rates on the U.S. grain marketing system / 1
A 1.36:1485 Aphanomyces species and their root diseases in pea and sugarbeet : a review / 1
A 1.36:1486 A simulation model of farm sector social accounts with projections to 1980 / 1
A 1.36:1487 Interfiber competition with emphasis on cotton : trends and projections to 1980 / 1
A 1.36:1488 Comparative biologies of Oryzaephilus surinamensis and O. mercator (Coleoptera: Cucujidae) on dried fruits and nuts / 1
A 1.36:1489 The Oriental species of the tribe Haematopotini (Diptera, Tabanidae) / 1
A 1.36:1490 Properties of roller gin roller covering materials / 1
A 1.36:1491 A nomenclator of Gossypium : the botanical names of cotton / 1
A 1.36:1493 A revision of the Epilachninae of the Western Hemisphere (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) / 1
A 1.36:1495 Mohair histogenesis, maturation, and shedding in the Angora goat / 1
A 1.36:1496 Machine boring of southern pine / 1
A 1.36:1497 A revision of the genus Heterococcus Ferris with a diagnosis of Brevennia Goux (Homoptera: Coccoidea: Pseudococcidae) / 1
A 1.36:1498 Summary of investigations of electric insect traps / 1
A 1.36:1499 Dynamics of the U.S. tobacco economy / 1
A 1.36:1500 U.S. textile fiber demand : price elasticities in major end-use markets / 1
A 1.36:1501 Factors associated with level-of-living in Washington County, Mississippi / 1
A 1.36:1502 Econometric models of cash & futures prices of shell eggs / 1
A 1.36:1503 Ecological responses of native plants and guidelines for management of shortgrass range / 1
A 1.36:1504 Computer simulation of potato packinghouse operations : an interim step / 1