Call Number (LC) Title Results
A 1.36:1653 Economic planning for multicounty rural areas : application of a linear programming model in northwest Arkansas / 1
A 1.36:1654 Solar-supplemented, natural air drying of shelled corn : the economic limitations / 1
A 1.36:1655 Supercritical flow flumes for measuring sediment-laden flow / 1
A 1.36:1656 Aggregate food demand and the supply of agricultural products / 1
A 1.36:1657 Measuring public attitudes toward natural resource issues : coyote control / 1
A 1.36:1659 A computerized system for estimating and displaying shortrun costs of soil conservation practices / 1
A 1.36:1660 Effect of temperature and photoperiod on the biology of blue alfalfa aphid, Acyrthosiphon kondoi Shinji / 1
A 1.36:1661 Analytical solutions of the one-dimensional convective-dispersive solute transport equation. 1
A 1.36:1662 An econometric analysis of Canadian grains and oilseeds / 1
A 1.36:1663 The biologic and economic assessment of dimethoate : a report of the dimethoate assessment team to the rebuttable presumption against registration of dimethoate / 1
A 1.36:1664 Economic effects of terminating federal marketing orders for California-Arizona oranges / 1
A 1.36:1665 Ecological impact of parathion in soybeans / 1
A 1.36:1666 The biologic and economic assessment of DBCP : a report of the DBCP assessment team to the rebuttable presumption against registration of DBCP / 1
A 1.36:1667 Testa characters in tribe Vicieae, with notes about tribes Abreae, Cicereae, and Trifolieae (Fabaceae) / 1
A 1.36:1668 Citrus thrips : biology, ecology, and control. 1
A 1.36:1669 Relationships between soil, plant community, and climate on rangelands of the intermountain west. 1
A 1.36:1670 Applying the economic threshold concept to control lesion nematodes on corn / 1
A 1.36:1672 Causes of square and boll shedding in cotton. 1
A 1.36:1673 Developing small grains resistant to the cereal leaf beetle. 1
A 1.36:1675 Pine root collar weevil : its ecology and management / 1