A 1.36:1676
Taxonomy of the South American species of Ceratocapsus, with descriptions of 45 new species (Hemiptera: Miridae) |
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A 1.36:1677
Effects of aggregation error on analysis of agricultural production potential / |
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A 1.36:1678
The biologic and economic assessment of benomyl : a report of the Benomyl assessment team to the rebuttable presumption against registration of Benomyl / |
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A 1.36:1680
A nomenclator of legume (Fabaceae) genera / |
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A 1.36:1685
Nutrient consumption patterns of low-income households / |
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A 1.36:1686
Effects of household socioeconomic features on dairy purchases / |
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A 1.36:1688
A summary of compounds evaluated for plant growth regulator activity / |
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A 1.36:1690
Household expenditures for fruits, vegetables, and potatoes / |
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Furrow dike water conservation practices in the Texas High Plains / |
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Regional climatic patterns and western spruce budworm outbreaks. |
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A 1.36:1697
A new method to assess effects of food supply shocks on consumption in developing countries / |
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A taxonomic revision of the New World moth genus Pero (Lepidoptera--Geometridae) / |
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A 1.36:1699
Tax policy and agricultural investment / |
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A 1.36:1700
A quarterly forecasting model for U.S. agriculture : subsector models for corn, wheat, soybeans, cattle, hogs, and poultry / |
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A 1.36:1701
A flexible rail rate policy : impacts on U.S. feed grains / |
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A 1.36:1702
The distribution of daily changes in commodity futures prices / |
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Thinning practices in southern pines--with pest management recommendations. |
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Costs of retail beef-handling systems : a modeling approach / |
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A waterway tax on grains : a functional market analysis / |
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A 1.36:1708
An analysis of cooperative over-order pricing of fluid milk / |
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