Call Number (LC) Title Results
A 1.36:629 Communicability of infectious abortion between swine and cattle.
Communicability of infectious abortion between swine and cattle /
A1.36..629 Communicability of infectious abortion between swine and cattle. 1
A 1.36:630 Yield of even--aged stands of ponderosa pine.
Yield of even-aged stands of ponderosa pine /
A1.36..630 Yield of even--aged stands of ponderosa pine. 1
A 1.36:631 The storage of sweet cherries as influenced by carbon dioxide and volatile fungicides /
Storage of sweet cherries as influenced by carbon dioxide and volatile fungicides.
A1.36..631 Storage of sweet cherries as influenced by carbon dioxide and volatile fungicides. 1
A 1.36:632 Loss, during storage, of vitamin A from alfalfa leaf meals fed to chickens /
Loss, during storage, of vitamin A from alfalfa leaf meals fed to chickens.
A1.36..632 Loss, during storage, of vitamin A from alfalfa leaf meals fed to chickens. 1
A 1.36:633 Principles of gully erosion in the Piedmont of South Carolina.
Principles of gully erosion in the Piedmont of South Carolina /
A1.36..633 Principles of gully erosion in the Piedmont of South Carolina. 1
A 1.36:634 Food of game ducks in United States and Canada.
Food of game ducks in the United States and Canada /
A1.36..634 Food of game ducks in United States and Canada. 1
A 1.36:635 Comparison of alfalfa and western wheatgrass hays for wintering yearling heifers in northern Great Plains and their influence on summer gains.
Comparison of alfalfa and western wheatgrass hays for wintering yearling heifers in the northern Great Plains and their influence on summer gains /
A1.36..635 Comparison of alfalfa and western wheatgrass hays for wintering yearling heifers in northern Great Plains and their influence on summer gains. 1
A 1.36:636 Correlations between annual precipitation and yield of spring wheat in the Great Plains.
Correlations between annual precipitation and the yield of spring wheat in the Great Plains /
A1.36..636 Correlations between annual precipitation and yield of spring wheat in the Great Plains. 1
A 1.36:637 Subsoil moisture under semiarid conditions.
Subsoil moisture under semiarid conditions /
A1.36..637 Subsoil moisture under semiarid conditions. 1
A 1.36:638 Temperature and other factors affecting germination of fescue seed.
Temperature and other factors affecting the germination of fescue seed /
A1.36..638 Temperature and other factors affecting germination of fescue seed. 1