Call Number (LC) Title Results
A 1.36:925 Growth and rubber accumulation in guayule as conditioned by soil salinity and irrigation regime.
Growth and rubber accumulation in guayule as conditioned by soil salinity and irrigation regime /
A1.36..925 Growth and rubber accumulation in guayule as conditioned by soil salinity and irrigation regime. 1
A 1.36:926 Estimation of composition of beef carcasses and cuts.
Estimation of the composition of beef carcasses and cuts /
A1.36..926 Estimation of composition of beef carcasses and cuts. 1
A 1.36:926-950 Relation between urinary calculi and use of grain sorghum in steer-fattening rations in the southern Great Plains / 1
A 1.36:926-950/t.p. and cont Technical bulletins 926-950, [title page] with contents. 1
A1.36..926-950_t.p. and cont Technical bulletins 926-950, [title page] with contents. 1
A 1.36:927 Results of inbreeding grade Holstein-Friesian cattle.
Results of inbreeding grade Holstein-Friesian cattle /
A1.36..927 Results of inbreeding grade Holstein-Friesian cattle. 1
A 1.36:928 Wheat stem maggots of genus Meromyza in Pacific Northwest.
The wheat stem maggots of the genus Meromyza in the Pacific Northwest /
A1.36..928 Wheat stem maggots of genus Meromyza in Pacific Northwest. 1
A 1.36:929 Passage of liquids, vapors, and dissolved materials through softwoods.
Passage of liquids, vapors, and dissolved materials through softwoods /
A1.36..929 Passage of liquids, vapors, and dissolved materials through softwoods. 1
A 1.36:930 Home canning processes for low-acid foods, developed on basis of heat penetration and inoculated packs.
Home canning processes for low-acid foods : Developed on the basis of heat penetration and inoculated packs /
A1.36..930 Home canning processes for low-acid foods, developed on basis of heat penetration and inoculated packs. 1
A 1.36:931 Fiber and spinning properties of cotton, with special reference to varietal and environmental effects.
Fiber and spinning properties of cotton, with special reference to varietal and environmental effects /
A1.36..931 Fiber and spinning properties of cotton, with special reference to varietal and environmental effects. 1
A 1.36:932 Marketing margins and costs for livestock and meat.
Marketing margins and costs for livestock and meat /
A1.36..932 Marketing margins and costs for livestock and meat. 1
A 1.36:933 Role of potash in growth and nutrition of Maryland tobacco.
Role of potash in growth and nutrition of Maryland tobacco /