Call Number (LC) Title Results
A1.38..532_3 Handbook for your information [duties and privileges of Department of Agriculture employees] 1
A1.38..532_4 Department of Agriculture, handbook for your information [employee] 1
A 1.38:532/947 Department of Agriculture : a handbook for your information. 1
A 1.38:532/rev A Handbook for your information. 1
A 1.38:532/rev./947 Department of Agriculture : a handbook for your information. 1
A 1.38:533 North Carolina forest resources and industries.
North Carolina forest resources and industries /
A1.38..533 North Carolina forest resources and industries. 1
A 1.38:534 Soybeans and soybean products as food.
Soybeans and soybean products as food /
A1.38..534 Soybeans and soybean products as food. 1
A 1.38:535 Workers in subjects pertaining to agriculture in land-grant colleges and experiment stations, 1943-44.
Workers in subjects pertaining to agriculture in land-grant colleges and experiment stations, 1943-44 /
A1.38..535 Workers in subjects pertaining to agriculture in land-grant colleges and experiment stations, 1943-44. 1
A 1.38:536 Experiment station research on vitamin content and preservation of foods.
Experiment station research on the vitamin content and the preservation of foods /
A1.38..536 Experiment station research on vitamin content and preservation of foods. 1
A 1.38:537 School lunch recipes.
School lunch recipes /
A1.38..537 School lunch recipes. 1
A 1.38:538 Growing vegetables in town and city.
Growing vegetables in town and city /
A1.38..538 Growing vegetables in town and city. 1
A 1.38:538/rev.950 Growing vegetables in town and city / 1
A 1.38:539 Directory of U. S. register of merit sires and dams qualifying under National Poultry Improvement Plan.
Directory of U.S. Register of Merit sires and dams qualifying under the National Poultry Improvement Plan, 1941-42 trap-nest record year /
A1.38..539 Directory of U. S. register of merit sires and dams qualifying under National Poultry Improvement Plan. 1