Call Number (LC) Title Results
A 1.38:885 Sheep feeders. 1
A 1.38:886 Portable self-feeder for sheep. 1
A 1.38:887 Lamb feeder / 1
A 1.38:888 Variable-height loading chute for sheep. 1
A 1.38:889 Mineral feeder for sheep. 1
A 1.38:890 Fencing, feeding and creep panels for sheep / 1
A 1.38:891 Sheep and lambing shed / 1
A 1.38:892 Stabilizing sand dunes on the Pacific coast with woody plants / 1
A 1.38:893 An annotated bibliography of cotton research at the Southern Utilization Research and Development Division / 1
A 1.38:894 A Shelter for sheep (using plastic film) / 1
A 1.38:895 Corral and feed lots for beef cattle. 1
A 1.38:896 Development program for the national forests. 1
A 1.38:897 2-bedroom farmhouse with carport / 1
A 1.38:898 Watering trough (continuous flow) for cattle. 1
A 1.38:899 Grain troughs for sheep. 1
A 1.38:900 Soil and water conservation research in the Pacific Coast Region / 1
A 1.38:901 Agricultural rents in theory and practice : an annotated bibliography / 1
A 1.38:902 Soil and water conservation research in the Great Plains states / 1
A 1.38:903/rev./965 Scientific careers in crops research. 1
A 1.38:904 State agricultural experiment stations : a history of research policy and procedure / 1