Call Number (LC) Title Results
A 1.38:868 Bibliography of frozen foods / 1
A 1.38:869 The stake of rural people in metropolitan government / 1
A 1.38:870/1961 The Food we eat. 1
A 1.38:870/1967 The Food we eat. 1
A 1.38:870/rev./967 The Food we eat / 1
A 1.38:871 The National Animal Disease Laboratory / 1
A 1.38:872/rev./962 A career for lawyers in the U.S. Department of Agriculture. 1
A 1.38:873 Weighing crate for sheep. 1
A 1.38:874 Mineral feeder for cattle. 1
A 1.38:875 Electric brooder for pigs : hover type for incandescent lamps. 1
A 1.38:876 2-bedroom farmhouse with basement / 1
A 1.38:877 2-bedroom farmhouse with 'slab-on-grade' construction / 1
A 1.38:878 Sheep feeder and lamb shelter. 1
A 1.38:879/2 Light and plants : a series of experiments demonstrating light effects on seed germination, plant growth, and plant development / 1
A 1.38:879/rev./966 Light and plants : a series of experiments demonstrating light effects on seed germination, plant growth, and plant development / 1
A 1.38:880 Selecting and using a farmhouse plan. 1
A 1.38:881 Red alder : its management and utilization / 1
A 1.38:882 Poisonous and injurious plants of the U.S. Virgin Islands / 1
A 1.38:883 Self-feeding hay wagon for cattle. 1
A 1.38:884 Ewe stanchion. 1