Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
A 1.4/2:625/2 | Birdsfoot trefoil and big trefoil. | 2 |
A 1.4/2:625/3 | Birdsfoot trefoil and big trefoil [perennial plants] | 1 |
A 1.4/2:625/rev. 949 | Birdsfoot trefoil and big trefoil / | 1 |
A 1.4/2:626 |
Control of locust borer. Control of the locust borer / |
3 |
A 1.4/2:626-650 | Fowl paralysis (avian leukosis complex) / | 1 |
A 1.4/2:627 |
Fruit pressure testers and their practical applications. Fruit pressure testers and their practical applications / |
3 |
A 1.4/2:628 |
Fowl paralysis (avian leukosis complex) Fowl paralysis (avian leukosis complex) / |
3 |
A 1.4/2:629 |
Soybean and Korean lespedeza hays compared with alfalfa for wintering beef calves. Soybean and Korean lespedeza hays compared with alfalfa for wintering beef calves / |
3 |
A 1.4/2:630 |
Improved Bates laboratory aspirator [device for removing seeds and lightweight substances from grains] Improved Bates laboratory aspirator / |
3 |
A 1.4/2:631 |
Protein-digesting enzymes of papaya and pineapple. Protein-digesting enzymes of papaya and pineapple / |
3 |
A 1.4/2:632 |
Rice-field insects. Rice-field insects / |
3 |
A 1.4/2:633 | Papaya production in the United States / | 1 |
A 1.4/2:634 | Distribution of varieties and classes of wheat in United States in 1939. | 2 |
A 1.4/2:635 |
Control of insects attacking stored tobacco and tobacco products. Control of insects attacking stored tobacco and tobacco products / |
3 |
A 1.4/2:636 |
Game and wild-fur production and utilization on agricultural land. Game and wild-fur production and utilization on agricultural land / |
3 |
A 1.4/2:637 |
Wheat storage in experimental farm-type bins. Wheat storage in experimental farm-type bins / |
3 |
A 1.4/2:638 |
Compilation of vitamin values of foods in relation to processing and other variants. A compilation of the vitamin values of foods in relation to processing and other variants / |
3 |
A 1.4/2:639 |
Insect pests of cigar-type tobaccos in southern districts. Insect pests of cigar-type tobaccos in the Southern districts / |
3 |
A 1.4/2:640 |
Phloem necrosis, virus disease of American elm. Phloem necrosis : a virus disease of the American elm / |
3 |
A 1.4/2:641 |
Fuel wood used in the United States, 1630-1930 / Fuel wood used in United States, 1630-1930. |
3 |