Call Number (LC) Title Results
A1.59..103 Pickle and relish recipes. 1
A 1.59:104 Tomatoes on your table / 1
A 1.59:104/3 Tomatoes on your table. 1
A1.59..104_3 Tomatoes on your table. 1
A 1.59:105 Shall I be a farmer? [information for veterans]
Shall I be a farmer? /
A1.59..105 Shall I be a farmer? [information for veterans] 1
A 1.59:105/944 Shall I be a farmer? / 1
A.1.59:105/946 Shall I be a farmer? / 1
A 1.59:105/rev. Shall I be a farmer? / 1
A 1.59:106 Mobilizing help to save crops, emergency farm labor program, 1943 results, 1944 needs.
Mobilizing help to save crops : emergency farm labor program, 1943 results-- 1944 needs /
A1.59..106 Mobilizing help to save crops, emergency farm labor program, 1943 results, 1944 needs. 1
A 1.59:107 Eat a good breakfast to start a good day.
Eat a good breakfast-- : to start a good day /
A1.59..107 Eat a good breakfast to start a good day. 1
A 1.59:107/2 Eat a good breakfast to start a good day. 1
A1.59..107_2 Eat a good breakfast to start a good day. 1
A 1.59:108 Curing pork, country style.
Curing pork country style /
A1.59..108 Curing pork, country style. 1
A 1.59:109 Cattle grub control means more meat, leather, milk, with no more feed.
Cattle grub control means more meat, leather, milk with no more feed /
A1.59..109 Cattle grub control means more meat, leather, milk, with no more feed. 1
A 1.59:110 Home canning of meat. 1