Call Number (LC) Title Results
A1.59..110 Home canning of meat. 1
A 1.59:110/2 Home canning of meat. 1
A1.59..110_2 Home canning of meat. 1
A 1.59:110/946 Home canning of meat / 1
A 1.59:112 Going our way to work for victory on farm front : be a victory farm volunteer of U. S. Crop Corps.
Going our way to work for victory on the farm front? : be a victory farm volunteer of the U.S. Crop Corps /
A1.59..112 Going our way to work for victory on farm front : be a victory farm volunteer of U. S. Crop Corps. 1
A 1.59:113 Women's Land Army works for victory.
The Women's Land Army works for victory /
A1.59..113 Women's Land Army works for victory. 1
A 1.59:114 A war job in your own home [government need for salvaged household fats to add to fats and oils supplies] 1
A1.59..114 A war job in your own home [government need for salvaged household fats to add to fats and oils supplies] 1
A 1.59:116 Youth lends a hand, Victory Farm Volunteers [farm labor program]
Youth lends a hand : victory farm volunteers /
A1.59..116 Youth lends a hand, Victory Farm Volunteers [farm labor program] 1
A 1.6:1 Statement showing conditions and prospects of cane-sugar industry in U.S.
Statement showing conditions and prospects of cane-sugar industry in U.S
A 1.6:2 Report upon condition of crops; also, statement of international wheat supply, and our wheat exports, together with foreign crops and prices 2
A 1.6:3 Thea viridis, or Chinese tea plant, and practicability of its culture and manufacture in U.S., also some remarks on cultivation of coffee plant 2
A 1.6:4 Cultivation of fig, and method of preparing fruit for commerce; also, report on importance of cultivation of date palm 2
A 1.6:5 to A 1.6:176:9 Report upon condition of crops 2
A 1.6:10 Report upon condition of crops and livestock 2
A 1.6:11 Mulberry silk-worm; being manual of instructions in silk-culture
Silkworm; being a brief manual of instructions for the production of silk, with illustrations
A 1.6:11/[1st ed.] Silkworm; being brief manual of instructions for production of silk, with illustrations 1