Call Number (LC) Title Results
A 1.64:12 $5 an acre to help you increase flaxseed production and help win the war.
$5 an acre, to help you increase flaxseed production and help win the war [government payments for production]
A1.64..12 $5 an acre, to help you increase flaxseed production and help win the war [government payments for production] 1
A 1.64:13 Don't kill the forest goose : forests are wealth.
Don't kill forest goose, forests are wealth.
A1.64..13 Don't kill forest goose, forests are wealth. 1
A 1.64:14 If you're thinking of a little place in the country [part-time farming opportunities]
If you're thinking of a little place in the country /
A1.64..14 If you're thinking of a little place in the country [part-time farming opportunities] 1
A 1.64:15 Post-war foreign trade program for United States agriculture.
A post-war foreign trade program for United States agriculture.
A1.64..15 Post-war foreign trade program for United States agriculture. 1
A 1.64:16 A guide to conservation practices for Ohio.
Guide to conservation practices for Ohio.
A1.64..16 Guide to conservation practices for Ohio. 1
A 1.64:17 Better management on southern coastal forest ranges.
Better management on southern coastal forest ranges /
A1.64..17 Better management on southern coastal forest ranges. 1
A 1.64:18 How much fertilizer shall I use? [measurement guide for gardeners]
How much fertilizer shall I use : a gardener's guide for converting tons or pounds per acre into pints, cups, tablespoons, or teaspoons per row or plant /
A1.64..18 How much fertilizer shall I use? [measurement guide for gardeners] 1
A 1.64:19 Some questions and answers on where and how to get a farm [information request from servicemen]
Some questions and answers on where and how to get a farm.
Some questions and answers on where and how to get a farm /
A1.64..19 Some questions and answers on where and how to get a farm [information request from servicemen] 1
A1.64..19_2 Some questions and answers on where and how to get a farm. 1
A 1.64:19/4 Some questions and answers on where and how to get a farm / 1
A 1.64:19/945 Some questions and answers on where and how to get a farm / 1
A 1.64:19/rev./947 Some questions and answers on where and how to get a farm / 1