Call Number (LC) Title Results
A 1.68:248/rev The special milk program. 1
A 1.68:251 Human nutrition and home economics research in the U.S. Department of Agriculture. 1
A 1.68:255 Thumbnail sketch of the Farmers Home Administration. 1
A 1.68:255/961 Thumbnail sketch of the Farmers Home Administration. 1
A 1.68:261 Have you seen this in your grain. 1
A 1.68:264 Planning type A school lunches. 1
A 1.68:265/2 The Mexican fruit fly : how we fight it. 1
A 1.68:265/rev./964 The Mexican fruit fly : how we fight it. 1
A 1.68:266/964 Barberry bushes spread stem rust to wheat, oats, barley, rye : get rid of them / 1
A 1.68:266/rev./964 Barberry bushes spread stem rust to wheat, oats, barley, rye : get rid of them / 1
A 1.68:268/971 An outline for teaching conservation in elementary schools / 1
A 1.68:268/rev./971 An outline for teaching conservation in elementary schools / 1
A 1.68:270/4 Food buying guide for Type A school lunches / 1
A 1.68:270/rev./979 Food buying guide for Type A school lunches / 1
A 1.68:271 Recipes for type A school lunch. 1
A 1.68:282 The brown-tail moth : how we fight it / 1
A 1.68:285 The gypsy moth : how we fight it / 1
A 1.68:288/2 Better living through conservation farming. 1
A 1.68:292 A guide for planning and equipping school lunchrooms. 1
A 1.68:298 Facts about the Watershed Protection and Flood Prevention Act : (P.L. 566, as amended) / 1