Call Number (LC) Title Results
A 1.76:96 The DHIA supervisor's manual /
The DHIA supervisor's manual
A 1.76:97 Pantothenic acid in foods
Pantothenic acid in foods /
A 1.76:98 Chemistry and technology of citrus, citrus products and byproducts 1
A 1.76:98/962 Chemistry and technology of citrus, citrus products, and byproducts / 1
A 1.76:99 Modernizing cotton gins /
Modernizing cotton gins
A 1.76:100 Diseases of North American forest trees planted abroad an annotated list /
Diseases of North American forest trees planted abroad : an annotated list /
A 1.76:101 Wood : colors and kinds.
Wood colors and kinds.
A 1.76:102/975 Food yields summarized by different stages of preparation / 2
A 1.76:103 Insecticide recommendations of the Entomology Research Branch for the control of insects attacking crops and livestock 1956 season.
Insecticide recommendations of the Entomology Research Branch for the control of insects attacking crops and livestock : 1956 season.
A 1.76:104 Glossary of terms used in forest fire control /
Glossary of terms used in forest fire control
A 1.76:105 Protecting perishable foods during transportation by truck meats, fruits, melons, vegetables, poultry, dairy products / 1
A 1.76:105/970 Protecting perishable foods during transport by motortruck / 1
A 1.76:106 4-H club entomology leaders' manual
4-H club entomology leaders' manual /
A 1.76:107 Conservation irrigation in humid areas /
Conservation irrigation in humid areas
A 1.76:108 Distribution of the varieties and classes of wheat in the United States in 1954 /
Distribution of the varieties and classes of wheat in the United States in 1954
A 1.76:109 New index numbers of farm marketings and home consumption by Ernest W. Grove and Margaret F. Cannon.
New index numbers of farm marketings and home consumption : by Ernest W. Grove and Margaret F. Cannon.
A 1.76:110 Forest nursery practice in the Lake States /
Forest nursery practice in the Lake States
A 1.76:111 Patent manual : for employees of the United States Department of Agriculture.
Patent manual for employees of the United States Department of Agriculture.
A 1.76:112 State egg laws and regulations : a summary /
State egg laws and regulations a summary /
A 1.76:113 Compilation of statutes relating to soil conservation, marketing quotas and allotments, soil bank, crop insurance, sugar payments and quotas, price support, Commodity Credit Corporation, and related statutes as of January 1, 1957 /
Compilation of statutes relating to soil conservation, marketing quotas and allotments, soil bank, crop insurance, sugar payments and quotas, price support, Commodity Credit Corporation, and related statutes as of January 1, 1957