Call Number (LC) Title Results
A 1.82:259 The wholesale food marketing facilities at Grand Rapids, Michigan / 1
A 1.82:260 Fort Worth stockyards, 1955 : proposed facilities, operations, services / 1
A 1.82:261 Causes of losses in trucking livestock / 1
A 1.82:262 Participation of schools and pupils in school lunch programs in elementary and secondary schools of the United States / 1
A 1.82:263 The market for class II milk in Oklahoma, Kansas and Western Missouri / 1
A 1.82:264 Changes in castorbeans during five years of storage / 1
A 1.82:265 Poultry availability and merchandising in retail stores / 1
A 1.82:266 The use of fieldmen by wholesale food distributors and affiliated retailers : a study of improvements in the marketing of agricultural products / 1
A 1.82:267 Baby chick transportation : problems and equipment / 1
A 1.82:268 Formula-feed warehousing costs : a study in improving efficiency in marketing of farm feeds / 1
A 1.82:269 Effects of cleaning practices at gins on fiber properties and mill performance of cotton : a progress report. 1
A 1.82:270 Consumers appraise canned and frozen foods, their packages and labels in Atlanta, Kansas City, and San Francisco / 1
A 1.82:271 Improved methods among wholesale food distributors for inventory control, sales accounting, and shipment of merchandise / 1
A 1.82:271/supp Supplement to Marketing research report no. 271 : improved methods among wholesale food distributors for inventory control, sales accounting, and shipment of merchandise. 1
A 1.82:272 Treatments for the protection of stored southern-grown corn from rice weevil attack : exploratory tests / 1
A 1.82:273 Custom feed milling in the Midwest : model plant operations, costs, and charges / 1
A 1.82:274 Overseas ventilated shipping tests with Florida oranges and grapefruit / 1
A 1.82:275 Improved loading of baskets of peaches and fresh prunes in railroad cars : a study of damage and cost reduction / 1
A 1.82:276 Refrigeration and handling of two vegetables at retail : green snap beans and southern yellow summer squashes / 1
A 1.82:277 Farm-retail price spreads for cotton prodoucts / 1