A 1.82:353
Spout-type automatic sampler for farmers stock peanuts / |
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A 1.82:354
Shipping containers for frozen tom turkeys / |
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A 1.82:355
Designing a public warehouse for storing flat bales of cotton / |
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A 1.82:356
Effects of coupons and special offers on sales of butter, margarine, shortening, salad and cooking oils / |
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A 1.82:357
Tests with malathion and methoxychlor protective treatments for shelled corn stored in metal bins in the Southeast / |
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A 1.82:358
Precooling and shipping Louisiana strawberries / |
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A 1.82:359
Comparative accuracy of two methods of pricing turkeys / |
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A 1.82:360
Capacity and processing trends in the fats and oils industry / |
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A 1.82:361
Costs of packing Arkansas peaches in 1958 / |
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A 1.82:362
Factors influencing competition among flour mills in the Pacific Slope States / |
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A 1.82:363
In-storage treatments for the protection of farmers stock peanuts from insect damage : exploratory tests / |
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A 1.82:364
Insect infestation as a factor in storing farmers stock peanuts grown in Georgia / |
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A 1.82:365
Laboratory tests of refrigerator cars for perishable foods / |
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A 1.82:366
Candling and cartoning eggs at country plants / |
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A 1.82:367
Evaluating soybeans by dielectric analysis and other methods / |
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A 1.82:368
Sour cream : a study of its market potential in Des Moines, Iowa / |
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A 1.82:369
Ownership changes by purchase and merger in selected food industries / |
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A 1.82:370
Storage of fall-harvested potatoes in the northeastern late summer crop area / |
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A 1.82:371
Effectiveness of selected canned food displays in supermarkets / |
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A 1.82:371/supp
Supplement to Marketing research report no. 371 : effectiveness of selected canned food displays in supermarkets : methodology / |
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