Effect on ginning and spinning efficiency and cotton quality of fiber moisture, seed-cotton cleaning, lint cleaning / |
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Merit, red rock, and potomac : tomato varieties adapted to mechanical harvesting / |
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Methods for large-scale rearing of the tobacco budworm / |
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Comparison of milking operations in herringbone milking layouts for large herds in California / |
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Your match would be here. |
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An analysis of beekeeping production costs and returns / |
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The integration of selected boll weevil suppression techniques in an eradication experiment / |
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Increasing crude protein content of forage with atrazine on shortgrass range / |
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Artificial diets for mass rearing the corn earworm (heliothis zea) / |
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Vacuum drying of cotton : a feasibility study / |
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Effects of feed rate and batt density on operation of saw-cylinder lint cleaners / |
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Effect of seed-cotton moisture level at harvest on ginned lint / |
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Chef and ARC : two new processing tomato varieties / |
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Blending of machine-stripped cotton : preliminary feasibility studies / |
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Ginning of narrow-row cotton / |
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Two-queen system of honey bee colony management / |
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Method to measure the length of unginned cotton fibers with a servo fibrograph / |
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Trapping pollen from honey bee colonies / |
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Laboratory evaluations of compounds as repellents to cockroaches, 1953-1974 / |
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Large-scale shipping techniques for tobacco budworm pupae / |
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Release and recovery of introduced parasites of the alfalfa weevil in eastern North America / |
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