Call Number (LC) Title Results
A 1.9:1520 Soy beans Culture and varieties.
Soybeans : culture and varieties /
Soy beans : Culture and varieties.
A1.9-1520 Soy beans : Culture and varieties. 1
A 1.9:1520/3 Soybeans, culture and varieties. 1
A1.9..1520_3 Soybeans, culture and varieties. 1
A 1.9:1520/rev. 949 Soybeans : culture and varieties / 1
A 1.9:1521 Propagation of game birds
Propagation of game birds /
Propagation of game birds.
A1.9-1521 Propagation of game birds. 1
A 1.9:1522 Home fruit garden on northern Great Plains
The home fruit garden on the northern Great Plains.
The home fruit garden on the northern Great Plains /
Home fruit garden on northern Great Plains.
A1.9-1522 Home fruit garden on northern Great Plains. 1
A1.9..1522 The home fruit garden on the northern Great Plains. 1
A 1.9:1522/rev. 950 The home fruit garden on the northern Great Plains / 1
A 1.9:1523 Leather shoes Selection and care.
Leather shoes, selection and care.
Leather shoes : selection and care /
Leather shoes : Selection and care.
A1.9-1523 Leather shoes : Selection and care. 1
A1.9..1523 Leather shoes, selection and care. 1
A 1.9:1523/3 Leather shoes : selection and care / 1
A 1.9:1524 Farm poultry raising
Farm poultry raising /
Farm poultry raising.
A1.9-1524 Farm poultry raising. 1
A 1.9:1524/7 Farm poultry raising. 1
A1.9..1524_7 Farm poultry raising. 1
A 1.9:1525 Effective haying equipment and practices for northern Great Plains and inter-mountain regions /
Effective haying equipment and practices for northern Great Plains and intermountain regions.
Effective haying equipment and practices for northern Great Plains and intermountain regions