Call Number (LC) Title Results
A 1.9:1941 Grow disease-resistant oats / 1
A 1.9:1941/2 Grow disease-resistant oats. 1
A1.9..1941_2 Grow disease-resistant oats. 1
A 1.9:1941/949 Grow disease-resistant oats / 1
A 1.9:1941/rev./949 Grow disease-resistant oats / 1
A 1.9:1942 Good pastures produce meat, fats, milk, eggs, wool, leather, and save manpower, machinery, tractor fuel, and soil.
Good pasture /
A1.9..1942 Good pastures produce meat, fats, milk, eggs, wool, leather, and save manpower, machinery, tractor fuel, and soil. 1
A 1.9:1943 Diseases of sheep and goats.
Diseases of sheep and goats /
A1.9..1943 Diseases of sheep and goats. 1
A 1.9:1944 Sewing machines, cleaning and adjusting.
Sewing machines : cleaning and adjusting /
A1.9..1944 Sewing machines, cleaning and adjusting. 1
A 1.9:1945 Pea aphid on peas and methods for its control.
The pea aphid on peas and methods for its control /
A1.9..1945 Pea aphid on peas and methods for its control. 1
A 1.9:1945/956 The pea aphid on peas and methods for its control / 1
A 1.9:1945/rev./956 The pea aphid on peas and methods for its control / 1
A 1.9:1946 Lupines : new legumes for the South / 1
A 1.9:1946/2 Lupines, new legumes for the South. 1
A1.9..1946_2 Lupines, new legumes for the South. 1
A 1.9:1946/947 Lupines : new legumes for the South / 1
A 1.9:1946/rev./947 Lupines : new legumes for the South / 1