Call Number (LC) Title Results
A 101.2:R 11 Ecology, control, and prevention of terrestrial rabies in free-ranging wildlife. 1
A 101.2:R 25 Red sea bream iridoviral disease (RSIVD) rapid risk assessment. 1
A 101.2:R 61 Controlling rodent populations and damage with an emphasis on invasive house mice and native voles. 1
A 101.2:SCR 1 SOSS phase II scrapie--ovine slaughter surveillance study 2002-2003. 1
A 101.2:SH 3 Sheep and lamb nonpredator death loss in the United States, 2004 1
A 101.2:SH 3/2 Sheep and lamb predator death loss in the United States, 2004 / 1
A 101.2:SO 1 Sodium lauryl sulfate : European Starling and blackbird wetting agent. 1
A 101.2:SO 1/2021 Sodium lauryl sulfate : European Starling and blackbird wetting agent. 1
A 101.2:SO 3  
A 101.2:SO 3/ Laboratories approved to receive soil
Laboratories approved to receive soil /
A 101.2:SO 3/2  
A 101.2:So 3/2  
A 101.2:SO 9 Ensuring continued U.S. soybean exports to China. 1
A 101.2:SO 9/2 Frequently asked questions : ensuring continued U.S. soybean exports to China. 1
A 101.2:St 2 Standards for meat and poultry products : a consumer reference list / 1
A 101.2:SW 6/2 Swine 2007 small-enterprise study : a "first look" at small-enterprise swine operations in the United States. 1
A 101.2:SW 6/4 Small-enterprise swine 2007 : reference of management practices on small-enterprise swine operations in the United States, 2007. 1
A 101.2:SW 6/5/SPAN Enfermedades del cerdo asilvestrado. 1
A 101.2:SW 6/6/2006 Swine 2006. 1
A 101.2:SW 6/6/2012 Swine 2012. 1