Call Number (LC) Title Results
A 110.8:C 42/(CH.NOS.)  
A 110.8:C 44 He's BAC! 1
A 110.8:C 77 Cooking for groups : a volunteer's guide to food safety. 1
A 110.8:C 77/2008/SPAN Cocinando para grupos guía de seguridad alimentaria para voluntarios. 1
A 110.8:C 77/2011 Cooking for groups a volunteer's guide to food safety. 1
A 110.8:C 77/SPAN Cocinando para grupos : guía de seguridad alimentaria para voluntarios. 2
A 110.8:C 78 Fiscal guidelines for cooperative inspection programs 1
A 110.8:D 36 Guide to food defense in slaughter and processing facilities protect your customers, your employees and your business. 1
A 110.8:D 36/2 Food defense guidelines for the transportation and distribution of meat, poultry, and processed egg products. 1
A 110.8:D 36/2009 Food defense guidelines for slaughter and processing establishments. 1
A 110.8:D 36/2013 Guide to food defense in slaughter and processing facilities : protect your customers, your employees and your business. 1
A 110.8:EC 7 E. coli O157:H7 directive updates advancing public health. 1
A 110.8:F 73 Food safety for people with cancer : a need-to-know guide for those who have been diagnosed with cancer. 1
A 110.8:F 73/2 Food safety for people with HIV/AIDS : a need-to-know guide for those who have been diagnosed with HIV/AIDS. 1
A 110.8:F 73/2/2011 Food safety for people with HIV/AIDS : a need-to-know guide for those who have been diagnosed with HIV/AIDS. 1
A 110.8:F 73/3 Food safety for older adults : a need-to-know guide for those 65 years of age and older. 1
A 110.8:F 73/3/2011 Food safety for older adults : a need-to-know guide for those 65 years of age and older. 1
A 110.8:F 73/4 Food safety for transplant recipients : a need-to-know guide for bone marrow and solid organ transplant recipients. 1
A 110.8:F 73/4/2011 Food safety for transplant recipients : a need-to-know guide for bone marrow and solid organ transplant recipients. 1
A 110.8:F 73/5 Food safety for people with diabetes : a need-to-know guide for those who have been diagnosed with diabetes. 1