Call Number (LC) Title Results
A 110.29:ST 9/2/2011 Stuffing and food safety. 1
A 110.29:ST 9/2011-2 Food safety tips for college students. 1
A 110.29:T 13/2011 Tailgating food safety Q & A. 1
A 110.29:T 32 Countdown to the Thanksgiving holiday 1
A 110.29:T 34/2011 Kitchen thermometers 1
A 110.29:T 84 Turkey raised by the rules 1
A 110.29:T 84/2 Turkey basics, stuffing 1
A 110.29:T 84/4 Turkey basics, safe thawing 1
A 110.29:T 84/5 Turkey basics, handling cooked dinners 1
A 110.29:V 48 Veal from farm to table 1
A 110.29:W 27 Washing food does it promote food safety? 1
A 110.29:W 29 Water in meat and poultry 1
A 110.29:Y 4 Yersiniosis and chitterlings tips to protect you and those you care for from foodborne illness. 1
A 110.6/2: Meat and poultry inspection regulations / 1
A 110.6/2-2:2010/REPRINT Meat and poultry inspection regulations (as reprinted from 9 CFR part 200 to end) 1
A 110.6/3: Quarterly enforcement report /
Quarterly enforcement report
Quarterly regulatory and enforcement report /
A 110.8/2: Meat and poultry inspection manual. 1
A 110.8/2:973/  
A 110.8:AL 4/SPAN Pautas de seguridad para los procesadores de alimentos. 1
A 110.8:B 13