Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
A 13.110/18:2017-03 | Biology and biological control of knotweeds / | 1 |
A 13.110/18:2017-04 | New invaders of the Northeast and Northcentral United States / | 2 |
A 13.110/18:2017-05 | New invaders of the Southeast / | 2 |
A 13.110/18:2018-02 | The role of verticillium wilt fungi in controlling the invasive tree-of-heaven (Ailanthus altissima) / | 1 |
A 13.110/18:2018-03 | Biological control of winter moth in northeastern North America / | 1 |
A 13.110/18:2018-04 | Integrating chemical and biological control of the hemlock woolly adelgid : a resource manager's guide / | 1 |
A 13.110/18:2018-05 | Illustrated guide to the immature Lepidoptera on oaks in Missouri / | 1 |
A 13.110/18:2019-03 | Verticillium nonalfalfae : a promising, naturally occurring biological herbicide to control Tree of Heaven (Ailanthus altissima) / | 2 |
A 13.110/19: |
Wildland waters. Wildland waters / |
2 |
A 13.110/20: | Watershed update / | 1 |
A 13.110/21: |
America's forests : health update. America's forests ... health update. America's forests health update. |
3 |
A 13.110/22: | Forest legacy. | 1 |
A 13.110/23:02-01 | 2000-2001 Redfish Lake verbenone trial progress report / | 1 |
A 13.110/23:03-2 | Douglas-fir beetle surveys of the fires of 2000 in the Northern Region Forest Health Protection, spring 2003 / | 1 |
A 13.110/23:03-3 | Comparing three methods of assaying soil Fusarium and Trichoderma populations for integrated pest management in forest nurseries | 1 |
A 13.110/23:03-4 | Update on limber pine decline and mortality on the Lewis and Clark National Forest, Montana | 1 |
A 13.110/23:03-6 | Establishment report for dougls-fir [i.e. douglas-fir] tussock moth permanent plots on the Clearwater National Forest | 1 |
A 13.110/23:03-7 | Evaluating release sites of Cyphocleonus achates as potential insectaries in Montana and Idaho | 1 |
A 13.110/23:03-9 | A test of verbenone to protect individual whitebark pine from mountain pine beetle attack | 1 |
A 13.110/23:04-02 | Jerry Johnson Campground hazard tree evaluation, September 2003 | 1 |